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  • (1 point) An importer of Brazilian coffee estimates that local consumers will buy approximately D(p) = pounds of the coffee per p2 week when the

(1 point) An importer of Brazilian coffee estimates that local consumers will buy approximately D(p) = pounds of the coffee per p2 week when the


Would you please be able to explain and describe the steps on how to solve these problems. I am a little confused on how to begin. Thanks!

(1 point) An importer of Brazilian coffee estimates that local consumers will buy approximately D(p) = fl pounds of the coffee per p2week when the price is p dollars per pound. It is also estimated that tweeks from now, the price of Brazilian coffee will be p(t) = 0.02:2 + 0.1: + 6 dollars per pound. a) At what rate will the demand for coffee be changing with respect to price when the price is 8 dollars? [% b) At what rate will the demand for coffee be changing with respect to time 10 weeks from now? [fl

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