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  • 1. Read Chapter 29 in Launchpad.( PDF of chapter will be sent after being hired)

1. Read Chapter 29 in Launchpad.( PDF of chapter will be sent after being hired)



1. Read Chapter 29 in Launchpad.( PDF of chapter will be sent after being hired)2. Scroll down to “29f Chapter Review” – open the review and scroll down to the “Review Questions” section.3. Answer all four questions. Each answer must include: information (direct quote and/or paraphrased) from Chapter 29 with proper citations; an integration of key terms and people (listed in the review) that includes a clear definition of the term with proper citations (it is up to you to determine which key term or person should be used in the answers); the primary sources from “Contrasting Views” found in section 29b (each of the 6 sources are required) and Václav Havel, “Czechoslovakia Is Returning to Europe” found in section 29d with proper citations (it is up to you to determine which question those primary sources help answer).4. Each answer should be at least one (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12pt Times font) page long.5. Do not use outside sources – all you need for this exam is your own brain and Chapter 29.MLA- Intext citation (author, section)

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