12 Angry Men Analysis


Watch 12 Angry Men (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2alrvhBHvo). Before you do so:

  • Review the methods of influence presented in the text book (Chapters 10 and 13 only) and look for specific examples of the influence techniques among the jurors. In addition, review the materials on conflict.
  • Should be a maximum of 1,700 words, single spaced. Respond to the following questions:
    1. Find examples for eight (8) of the influence techniques.
      1. Coalition building – seeking alignment with others.
      2. Consultation – asking and otherwise involving others.
      3. Exchange – trading, cutting a deal with others.
      4. Ingratiating – praising before requesting.
      5. Inspiration – appealing to higher ideals and values.
      6. Pressure – threatening, intimidating.
      7. Reason – appeal to logic and rational thinking.
      8. Claiming legitimacy – asserting your position is supported by higher authorities.
    2. Several jurors attempt to influence the decision-making process. Using the influence material, explain why the architect (Juror 8) is so much more effective (more influential) than the others.
    3. At one point in the discussion, the foreman states, “All of this fighting (conflict) is getting us nowhere.” Looking back over the entire film, what is your reaction to his statement? To what extent do you agree or disagree with him? Be sure to use examples to support your point of view.

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