36033 2 Pages Within 24hrs.


36033 2 Pages Within 24hrs.

36033 2 Pages Within 24hrs.


36033 Topic: Happiness Data set

Number of Pages: 2 (Double Spaced)

Number of sources: 1

Writing Style: APA

Type of document: Essay

Academic Level:Master

Category: Psychology

Language Style: English (U.S.)

Order Instructions: Attached

  • attachmentWk_5_Individual_assignmentwk5p625.docx
  • attachmentPSYCH625r5_Happiness_Engagement_Dataset__5_.xlsx
  • attachmentReference_Correlationwk5p625.docx
  • attachment36033.doc

Wk 5 Individual: Statistics Project, Part 4: Correlation : Please follow the instruction step by step. I attached the Happiness and engagement dataset please use them for the output. place the result on the microsoft excel I provided and also place the summary on a separate sheet. Use only the reference I attach

Author: Jackson, S.L. (2017). Statistics plain and simple. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Assignment Content: Submit your summary, including the Microsoft® Excel® output to the assignment.

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For this assignment, you will calculate the Pearson product-moment correlations between at least two sets of variables in the Happiness and Engagement Dataset.

Perform one correlation between two independent variables, such as Age and Relationship with Coworkers.

Perform the second correlation on an independent variable (such as Relationship with Direct Supervisor) and the dependent variable (such as Workplace Happiness Rating).

Calculate the Pearson product-moment correlations between at least two sets of variables in your data set.

Write a 125- to 175-word summary of your interpretation of the correlation results. Remember that most people never see the actual output or data, and rely on the results statements by the researcher. Ensure that your summary is accurate. Copy and paste your Microsoft® Excel® output below the summary.

Format your summary according to APA format.

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