Often times, we as humans tend to gravitate to music that is familiar
to us. Although we have a variety of music to choose from, rarely to do
we try a genre of music that is new to us.
Option 1:
Listen to a song from a genre of music that you are not familiar with
(Country, Classical, Rap, Pop, R&B, etc.) and share what you were
most surprised about regarding this genre.
Option 2:
After listening to a song or piece from a genre that is new to you,
explain why you would be open to hearing more music from this genre.
For both options, remember to share the:
- Title of the song or musical piece
- Artist or composer
- Year the song or piece was made
- Genre of music the piece falls under
- Thread:
- Module 3 – Blues Music
- Post:
Module 3 – Blues Music - Author:
Emily Nehls
- Posted Date:
- July 21, 2020 10:28 AM
- Status:
- Published
- Overall Rating:
- 1
- 2
- 3
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- 5
Growing up my mom listened to old country and new country. She
played it in the car on the way to school, and me and my brothers very
much disliked that music. We preferred the new pop and R&B. As I
grew older, I started listening to country music. Every song seems to
tell an emotional story about friends, family, heartbreak, or love.
For this assignment I decided to listen to some blues music. I
searched for most popular blues music in the 1990’s, and I came up with
Title- I Thought It Was Me
Artist- Bell Biv DeVoe (B.B.D)
Year- 1990
Genre- Blues/electric blues
I was most surprised about the lyrics to this song. It is
basically about a man in a bar that picks up women and likes to brag
about it. I am not used to this type of music, so the lyrics surprised
me as its an older song.
“Today’s generation didn’t want
to watch ancient actors reciting the same tired lines. They wanted to
see themselves reflected onscreen – rude, raw, entitled. These kids
needed to believe that they themselves were only one daring,
controversial act away from being up on that screen themselves. ”– Melissa Jo Peltier, Reality Boulevard
Within the past few years, Reality TV has become a staple in the
homes of people not just in America but around the world. Many
celebrities have given in to the undeniable effect of Reality TV,
choosing to have their own lives played out in front of the lens. The
term “Reality TV Star” has been coined and is now being uttered on the
lips of millions. However one feels about Reality TV, this wave of
entertainment seems to be here to stay.
While form of low art achieves wild popularity and brings in
significant profits to networks, attendance to Broadway theater
performances is also at an all-time high. Perhaps low art and high art
can thrive simultaneously.
What do you think will be the lasting impact that Reality TV has on
the Humanities and how we see ourselves as humans? Based on what you
learned about the theater (which was not always considered high art) in
this week’s readings, what may be some future similarities and
differences between Reality TV and the theater?
Describe a religion that is not your own.
Choose from one of the following religions: Ancient Egyptian belief,
Hinduism, Greek or Roman Polytheism, Native American Religion, Buddhism,
Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. You must choose a religion that is not your own.
- Describe three features or tenets of the chosen religion.
- Mention any written works and prophets.
- Share how this religion compares to your religion or beliefs, even if you do not have a chosen “religion.”
Choose a heroic figure you have read about. Examples might be: Theseus, Oedipus, Calaf in Turandot, King Arthur, Siddhartha, Moses, Mohammed, a cowboy hero, or Frodo from The Lord of the Rings.
Other examples may include people who are/were known for their
humanitarian efforts, or who have led a movement (such as Mother Teresa
or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.).
Or, choose a heroic figure from a book, a film, or a comic/cartoon series with which you are familiar.
Introduce your chosen hero at the beginning of your response, and
apply at least two of Campbell’s characteristics as you elaborate on the
person’s life.