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5-Card-Draw Poker against the computer in C language, computer science homework help


Write a program that allows a user to play 5-Card-Draw Poker against the computer.

Start with the following example code supplied by Deitel& Deitel (example code). This will help you get started with the game of Poker. Please read this site to learn the rules of Poker http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5_card_draw. Complete the following step and you will have a working Poker game!!!

Adapted from Deitel & Deitel’s C How to Program (6th Edition):

(1) In order to complete the game of 5-card-draw poker, you should complete the following functions:

(a) (5 pts) Modify the card dealing function provided in the example code so that a five-card poker hand is dealt.

(b) (5 pts) Write a function to determine if the hand contains a pair.

(c) (5 pts) Write a function to determine if the hand contains two pairs.

(d) (5 pts) Write a function to determine if the hand contains three of a kind (e.g. three jacks).

(e) (5 pts) Write a function to determine if the hand contains four of a kind (e.g. four aces).

(f) (5 pts) Write a function to determine if the hand contains a flush (i.e. all five cards of the same suit).

(g) (5 pts) Write a function to determine if the hand contains a straight (i.e. five cards of consecutive face values).

(2) (20 pts) Use the functions developed in (1) to deal two five-card poker hands, evaluate each hand, and determine which is the better hand.

(3) (25 pts) Simulate the dealer. The dealer’s five-card hand is dealt “face down” so the player cannot see it. The program should then evaluate the dealer’s hand, and based on the quality of the hand, the dealer should draw one, two, or three more cards to replace the corresponding number of unneeded cards in the original hand. The program should then re-evaluate the dealer’s hand.

(4) (10 pts) Make the program handle the dealer’s five-card hand automatically. The player should be allowed to decide which cards of the player’s hand to replace. The program should then evaluate both hands and determine who wins. Now use the program to play 10 games against the computer. You should be able to test and modify or refine your Poker game based on these results!

You may make any adjustments or customizations to your Poker game that you wish!!! Have fun with this assignment!!!

  1. Your project must contain one header file (a .h file), two C source files (which must be .c files), and project workspace.

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