Northern Ireland legislation
Subject: Equity
Ava is a retired business woman living in Belfast. She decides it is
time to make a will. In June 2019 Ava visits her solicitor to do so. The
following bequests are included in her will:
1) £10,000 to the South Belfast Gardening Club (the SBGC is a non-charitable unincorporated association).
2) £5,000 each to three charities: Belfast Homeless Hostel, Poverty Support Northern Ireland and South Antrim Food Bank.
Unbeknownst to Ava, Poverty Support Northern Ireland ceased to exist in
2018 and in July 2019 South Antrim Food Bank merged with another charity
to create the Northern Ireland Food Bank.
Advise Ava’s executors.
Referencing: OSCOLA
Special instruction:
1) please include footnote for the word count
2) please take note that the will is laid in Belfast. Thus, the Northern Ireland legislation must take into consideration.