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665 Presentation, Power and Influence, Chapter 10


find the instruction below and also the chapter picture uploaded are 5 & 10 more will be added later when u get assigned

This is intended to increase your understanding of power and influence in your work environment.

Power is the capacity of a person to influence others including one’s supervisor or

subordinates or even peers. Describe an event when you influenced your supervisor, boss,

advisor, college professor, or person of leadership to do something that helped you in

your organizational goals or as a student to meet your objectives/goals.

Use the material taught in Chapter 10 Power and Influence in the Workplace to frame the

situation and use the model of power to explain how you were able to influence your

supervisor/program director. If you do not have experience influencing, your supervisor

or person of leadership, then frame the situation for having influenced or planned to

influence your roommate or your graduate director.

Make a power point presentation of your work and present in class 10 min

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