a discussion question


Watch the short video about Ai Weiwei, the outspoken Chinese artist who designed the Bird’s Nest stadium for the 2008 Olympics in China. 


And read the article Ai Weiwei Review – the manifesto is in the medium http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2015/sep/20/aiweiwei-royal-academy-bicycles-world-goes-pop-review 

xid 65443256 2


State your first response to the video/article and then comment on your thoughts of Weiwei‘s tactics.

Do you agree or disagree with his use of art as protest/propoganda against the Chinese government? Why or why not?

What are your thoughts about a government who tries to censor the work of its artists?

Should artists be able to create whatever they want, no matter who it offends? Why or why not?

Respond to two of your classmates by the due date.

****If you are interested in finding out more about Weiwei‘s life and struggle, watch the film Ai Weiwei, Without Fear or Favor. VERY interesting!**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjfNF55hUZg

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