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  • A lobster tank in a restaurant is 0.5 m long by 0.25 m wide by 40 cm deep.

A lobster tank in a restaurant is 0.5 m long by 0.25 m wide by 40 cm deep.


1. A lobster tank in a restaurant is 0.5 m long by 0.25 m wide by 40 cm deep. The force of the water (in Newtons)on the bottom of the tank =on each of the larger sides of the tank =on each of the smaller sides of the tank =( You need to compute the weight density of water to do this problem. The density of water is 1000 kg/m^{3} and the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. Recall that weight is equal to mass times the acceleration due to gravity. )

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