Accounting Assignment #1



Week #1: CHAPTER 1 and CHAPTER 2




a) Topic 1:Post a 400-500 word synopsis on a topic that is related to this week’s readings (chapters 1 and 2) in the textbook. Use at least three sources for in your review of the topic. Your review should be similar to a “literature review lite” which covers the topic is some detail, but not fully, due to the constraints in time and also in word limitation.


Review in and achieve less than a 20% rating before posting to the course. Be sure to include reference sources. Use APA guidelines.




b) Respond to a 1 peer’s discussion post. A minimum of 150-250 words. (choose from the discussion posts in the attached document)




c) In the Reflections Forum, in 200 words or more, please comment on the topic coverage this week that was of most interest to you. Please state how this knowledge could be applied at your current or a prior position and how you or your employer could benefit.


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