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Advanced Youth Counseling Graduate Discussion


Please respond to both prompts and give feedback to at least two of your peers

1) While watching the still face experiment video, identify the behaviors that are important that facilitate the connection between the mother and her baby. Discuss and post your reflection of the experiment and what most impacted you while viewing and why?

2) Watch the Ami Klin Video from 38 minutes to 1 hour and 1 minute, take notes and discuss the questions below.

a. How does the findings of the eye gaze study contribute to understanding the neurological differences of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and neurotypical individuals?

b. and How can this data inform treatment for children with ASD?

Your response must be 3-4 substantial paragraphs. This means 5+ sentences per paragraph. APA. Reference the videos + 1 other scholarly source. No cover-page necessary. Single-spaced.

This is for a Clinical Mental Health Counseling Advanced Youth Counseling GRADUATE course. Keep this in mind. It is for those studying to be a licensed professional counselor & graduate level writing and consideration is expected. Will be ran through turnitin.

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