You May choose which Research Paper you would like to research.
1. Select a practice setting that you currently work in or plan to work in in the future (e.g. Hospital, school, correctional facility, mental health agency)
•Identify the that represent the profession aswho help clients with problems, including grieving, in that setting
through interviewing team members, going to the web sites of the professional organizations that represent those disciplines (e.g. American Medical Association, Oncology Nursing Society, National Association of Social Workers, American Bar Association) American Psychiatric Association.
•Write a 3-5 page paper about the roles and functions of the different disciplines, how they each address therapeutic needs of clients, whether there is a formal method for team members to communicateandcollaborateorwhetherthedisciplineswork more autonomously. Discuss the role of the discipline you are training in, in relation specifically to work with grieving clients. Discuss how you collaborate and communicate, or plan to,with members of other disciplines when it comes to grieving clients. (Example: in a school there may be teachers, school adjustment counselors or guidance counselors, school nurse, psychologists etc).