Amce Bicycle Case Study


A detailed foundational knowledge of logistics management is essential to a successful logistics career. Companies want employees to be able to assess existing processes and practices, but also to improve these processes to cut costs and meet deadlines. Your assessment for this course is a report or presentation with detailed speaker notes or a recording using a tool such as Jing, detailing your analysis and including foundational recommendations for an existing company’s logistics framework. This report will focus on one organization and will be broken up into several sections to give attention to the key areas of logistics management. Throughout this course, you will have the opportunity to receive feedback from your instructor to help you achieve a successful final submission of your evaluation report.

The project is supported by a milestone, consisting of 16 questions directly related to each critical element of your final case study submission. This milestone will be submitted in Module Five. The final submission will occur in Module Seven.

In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

• Calculate costs and production needs based on analysis of organizational logistic needs assessments and customer requirements

• Identify company logistics, capacity planning, and resource needs by applying foundational qualitative and quantitative analysis methods

• Propose foundational methods for integrating logistic delivery systems into a cohesive, lean delivery system to satisfy customer demand at least cost

• Analyze variable demand cycles, carrying costs, customer preferences, and just-in-time principles for successful inventory management

• Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of physical distribution systems for receiving, storing, and shipping raw goods and finished products

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