Discussion Journal- 25% of your total grade
Due before class on Wednesday
You are responsible for ALL of the assigned readings.
Your responses should be no longer than three paragraphs in length.
In the first paragraph, describe the point of the reading. What is the thesis? Did the author prove the thesis? Why or why not?
In the second paragraph, show how the reading expanded upon or altered your perception of something you learned about in the textbook or lecture.
In the third paragraph, write any questions you had about the reading or something you did not understand.
Week 3
Attached Files:
- Native American Speeches.pdf (11.293 MB)
- Pueblo Revolt of 1680.pdf (1.281 MB)
Week 4
Attached Files:
- Moraley.pdf (21.345 MB)
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Chapter III through Chapter VII
Week 5
Attached Files:
- War for North America.pdf (1.979 MB)
Week 6
Attached Files:
- pennhistory.86.1.0038.pdf (491.896 KB)
Week 7
Attached Files:
- Women and the Revolution.pdf (2.728 MB)
Week 8
Attached Files:
- West and USA in 1780s.pdf (3.151 MB)
Week 9
Attached Files:
- Debate over the Constitution.pdf (2.525 MB)
- Jefferson Describes Indians, Slaves, and Blacks, 1787.pdf (638.207 KB)
- The Constitution.pptx (1.238 MB)
Week 10
Attached Files:
- jefferson reading.pdf (1.056 MB)
Week 11
Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,
Read from the Preface through Chapter 4
Week 12
Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
https://www.gutenberg.org/files/23/23-h/23-h.htmRead Chapter 10 and 11
Week 13
Attached Files:
- sumner brooks.pdf (382.877 KB)
- Abolition.pdf (17.054 MB)
Week 14
Attached Files:
- Primary Sources during the War.pdf (754.971 KB)
- Women and the Civil War.pdf (1.604 MB)
Week 15
Attached Files:
- Class in the Post Civil War.pdf (1.158 MB)