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Anglia Ruskin University Wk 10 Language Development Process Discussion


Week 10- Chapter 7 Discussion

After reading the chapter on “Using conversations to listen to language and speech” (ch.7), I hope you now have a better understanding of what is language development and how that is different from literacy development. Attached is the powerpoint

Topic 1: Review the chapter and discuss the following:

  • Discuss what you have learned about using listening as an observation method. What statement(s) stood out to you? Give page number.
  • Discuss what you have learned about listening to Speech and Language. Did you learn something you didn’t know before? Give page number.
  • Explain what kind of activities would you implement to promote language development.
  • Name your favorite part overall about this chapter. Your least favorite? Provide page number.
  • How will you use the knowledge gained from this chapter? (Be specific)

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