Question 1:
Part A: (3-4 Pages)
Following the passage of the Tax Cuts Act by the US Congress in late 2017, several large corporations announced the offering of employee bonuses and other incentives to their employees as a good faith gesture of passing on parts of the tax gains to employees. In early 2018, United Airlines offered a lottery system of employee rewards and incentives instead of the more traditional employee bonus package.
However, United’s plan quickly backfired and resulted in public humiliation for its top executives. Based on the information discussed in chapter one of Zikmund et al. textbook:
- How would you categorize the business orientation of United Airlines?
- If you were the top executive at United Airline, would you have authorized a study to identify the proper employee incentive structure prior to making an announcement.
- If you were tasked with conducting research to recommend United Airlines on its bonus policy, how would you define the problem?
- After reviewing Chapter six, list a few (at least two) questions that your research will attempt to answer.
- Use at least 8 peer reviewed articles to answer the above questions.
Please make sure to include in-text citations and peer reviewed references in APA format.
Part B: (1-2 Pages)
- In correct APA format, write the Reference of the article.
- Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.
- Describe how this article was helpful in answering part A.
- Repeat for a total of eight (8) peer-reviewed sources.
Important: Please ensure that your reference for the article is in correct APA format, as your reference in your discussion post. Depending on which electronic database you use, you should see a “Cite” selection for your article. In addition, there should be a variety of articles summarized and as such, students should have different articles summarized.
Question 2: (1 Page)
Assume that you are hired as a researcher to provide consultation to the University in helping the institution to better support the students.
Based on interviews with school administrators, you have concluded that the University is interested in improving student retention and graduation rates. You have also formed the operational theory that student retention is influenced by general and academic adjustment, including financial and living conditions of the students.
Your team is tasked with conducting a qualitative study, either through one-on-one interviews (at least three students) or a focus group (at least five students).
In preparation for your study, each member will answer only three of the following questions in their initial posts:
- Is your research Confirmatory or Exploratory in nature? Provide explanation.
- What is the orientation of your research and why?
- Why did you choose a focus group/ direct interview for this study?
- How did you address some of the main disadvantages of your approach?
- What are some of the questions that you are planning to ask during the meeting (focus group or interview)?
- How will you collect and analyze data?
- Will you consider projective research techniques? Provide justification.
Question 3 (1 Page)
Using the article, “A Mixed-Method Approach for Developing Market Segmentation
Typologies in the Sports Industry” by (Andrew J. et. Al., 2006), discuss the research methods chosen by the author. Include a discussion of how the methods connect to the research questions.