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  • APA Format, No plagiarism, Minimum of 3 scholarly refrences (expert level on grading rubric) Please be creative

APA Format, No plagiarism, Minimum of 3 scholarly refrences (expert level on grading rubric) Please be creative


• Create a poster (1 page) or a newsletter (1 page) presenting how SBAR or TeamSTEPPS is
implemented in your facility. If your facility uses neither, present on how you, as the BSNprepared
nurse, could implement one of the two in your facility. Be creative! A minimum of
two professional and scholarly references required for proficient on the grading rubric, and
three or more professional and scholarly references required for expert level on the grading
rubric. References should be no more than five years old. The APA format references MUST be placed
directly on the Poster/Newsletter, not a separate document. Be sure your name is on this
assignment. please read through instructions. Some resource site listed on Module B information page.

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