Application: Applying Career Ethics in Practice.
Application: Applying Career Ethics in Practice.
Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. Main references come from Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2012) and/or American Psychological Association (2010). Assignments should adhere to graduate-level writing and be free from writing errors. I have also attached my assignment rubric so you can see how to make full points. Please follow the instructions to get full credit. I need this completed by 06/15/19 at 5pm.
Assignment – Week 3
Application: Applying Career Ethics in Practice
In this week’s discussion forum, you compared the current NCDA ethical standards with the ethical standards most closely associated with your discipline (either ACA or APA). In this Application assignment, you will apply this knowledge to your future work with clients.
To prepare for this assignment:
· Review the chapter on Ethics from the course textbook, along with the current NCDA Code of Ethics and the Code of Ethics most closely associated with your discipline (ACA or APA).
· Recall the material you developed in your Week 1 Application on the topic of self-assessments.
· Consider the type of clients you might work with who might present with issues related to career.
The assignment: (1–2 pages)
· Create a “mock” client that you can describe in one paragraph, including the client’s current goals, resources, and their Self-Directed Search (SDS) type code.
· Discuss how you as a counselor would ethically work with this client, including administration of and follow-up steps after the SDS.
· Include specific relevant ethical standards from the NCDA code and from the ethical code most closely associated with your discipline (ACA or APA).
Support your Application assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.
Required Resources
· Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2012). Career counseling: Foundations, perspectives, and applications. (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
- Chapter 5, “Ethical and Legal Issues in Career Counseling”
- National Career Development Association (NCDA) Ethical Standards
- National Career Development 2015 Standards
- National Career Development 2015 Standards
Pick one of the web sites below to review, depending on your specialty area, in addition to the NCDA Ethical Standards, which everyone is to review.
- American Psychological Association (APA). (2010). Ethical Standards - American Counseling Association (ACA). (2014). ACA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from
Highlights of the ACA Code of Ethics - National Board for Certified Counselors
· National Career Development Association. (2015). Internet sites for career planning. Retrieved from
- Application_Rubric_Weeks_1_3-6_10.docx