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  • As future nursing practitioners, it is important for you to understand that the

As future nursing practitioners, it is important for you to understand that the



As future nursing practitioners,it is important for you to understand that the results of evidence-basedresearch practice should be written for others to understand and apply to theirpractice. Research needs to be disseminated as widely as possible at alllevels, both national and international. It is important that tailoreddissemination tools should be used for various target audiences and the nursingprofession. This assignment is designed to help you understand how to make yourresearch usable and available to other people in your field.Develop a dissemination plan for your research. My research to is Copingwith illness: What is the impact of adoption of coping Strategies onburnout experienced in formal caregivers?Your plan should includediscussion about the following:Audience : Who ismost likely to use this research?What is thepractice setting?End-userneeds : Howshould you present data to make it most usable? Is therea specific language you should use to ensure your audience understands yourpurpose? Does thetarget audience have a specific type of need based on practice setting?Publications : Whatspecific journals, newsletters, or publications would you want to publish in toreach your audience?Presentations atlocal, state, and national levels : At whatconferences, meetings, or panels would you want to present to make sure yourideas were readily available in the field?

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