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Assignment 2 – Assignment – McDonalds Decision Making Process


Use the following link to watch a short video regarding the strategic decision making process of McDonalds: http://websites.swlearning.com/cgi-wadsworth/course_products_wp.pl?fid=M20b&product_isbn_issn=9780324353891&discipline_number=416 I suggest you copy and paste the link into a new browser. Once open click on the word “Videos” on the left, then choose the Chapter 5 video link. The top Quicktime link works the best. Describe and cite examples of how McDonalds executives followed the Problem Solving and Decision Making chart in Exhibit 5-1 (page 150 in the hard copy of the text). Use at least a paragraph for each step in the process. In what critical areas did the organization need to change their focus from short term planning to a long term process? Do you think the outcome of McDonald’s problem solving was successful?

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