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  • Based on given information design a spillway section, and write a report.

Based on given information design a spillway section, and write a report.


Based on given information design a spillway section, and write report. More information in the “Project” file. There is a “Note” file, hope it will help.

Report Outline:

  • Introduction
    • Background information about spillway (function, components, etc.)
    • Objectives
  • Methodology
    • Explain how the work was carried out to achieve the objective.
    • Calculation with detailed steps
  • Result and Discussion
    • Present the results obtained with analyses. Summary graphs and figures are encouraged.
    • Clearly present results and what they mean to the design are required.
  • Calculations
    • Summarize what has been done, what was found and what it means
    • Any alternate designs you have attempted before the final configuration must also be interested.

    for this
    project, you only need to base on the given information to calculate all of
    unknow in the figure (such as H, L3, y2, Z0, and water depth on the spillway,
    etc.), calculation should be included in the report. There is no need for any
    simulation with any software.

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