Assignment 3 amalgamates the research and analysis thus far into a Thesis Proposal. It allows you to synthesize your research interests as a very specific and directed Thesis. Note: Research is a continuous process – branch out to strengthen your thesis.
1. Thesis Statement – what is your thesis? what is your critical stance?
2. Design Intent Statement – What is the design project you are proposing? Why is it a relevant? (express in a few words or sentence)
3. Thesis Diagram
4. Refined Typology/Programmatic/ or Context Diagram & Statement: in support of thesis & statement (20-50 words)
5. Research Summary: Summarize your topic of interest in written text discussing your research studies and explaining how it has supported the development of your thesis. Include your references and bibliography. (500-1000 words)
6.Typology & Precedent Analysis: Define your typology supported by 5 selected projects –
diagram and analyze. The analysis could include functional/programmatic relations and
spatial organizations; form/structure; specific site condition and context; environmental
factors; social/political factors etc. For each Reference complete the following: Name of
Architect, Year, Place, Artistic Movement/era/architectural style, 2-4 Diagrams that you
develop (use photos/drawings); short text about the relevance of this project in your
research (this can be point form)
7. Mind Map – develop a final mid-map that captures the development of your ideas and makes connections between your various research and analysis (this can help finalize your thesis)
8. Visual Essay – edit and select from ongoing collected material
9. Glossary – edit and development from ongoing collected & defined terminology
10. Annotated Bibliography –capture the main points of interests
11. Your own additional deliverables specific to your project/research
for part 5 research summary,Summarize your topic of interest in written text discussing your research studies and explaining how it has supported the development of your thesis. Include your references and bibliography,also answer these questions
1. How to define landmark?
2. What does landmarks brought to people and the city?
3. How landmark makes a city vibrant and interactive in the urban context?
4. Dose landmark has to be a building or not ? if it does not a building, what it can be?
5. Do we need landmarks for every place?
6. why the building become landmark? what kind of architecture can be called landmark?
for part 6: choose 5 new project, not from assignment 1& 2
the feedback for assignment 2:
However, in order to go forward and answer the questions you’re putting forward, you can just do some more research on landmark architecture. Then, you can come with your own statement as to whether building a “landmark” is something that’s a goal in itself or a derivative of a project that’s good/striking/innovative/important. I would also wait a little bit with the Indonesian people that live by the coral reefs because you have yet to define what a landmark means. Creating a “landmark” for those people is a very unclear and strange ambition at this point that I would suggest you revisit once you do some more research in books, articles and journals about what this means and then if its relevant.