Sustainability in the apparel industry

1. Discussion: Social Media

Initial Post: You work for a fashion company (any company of your choice) which has a new process or product that you think has real benefits for planet and people and you want to get the word out. Identify the company and develop a social media strategy to promote the process/product. Identify an appropriate influencer, provide the link to their primary social media account, and describe what a partnership with them would entail.

Responses to 2 classmates: Review the social media account of the influencer you classmate identified. Describe a special event your classmate could arrange with the influencer to promote their new process or product.

All posts (both your original post and the responses to your classmates) are expected to be 100 words each.

2. Discussion: State of Fashion

Discussion posts are typically focused on your experiences or perceptions and thus are graded on the thoughtfulness and completeness of your responses to the prompts. You will not see your classmates’ posts until you post your own original comment. When you respond to your classmates, be sure to address the response prompt associated with the initial post.

Initial Post: We’ve talked about a lot of major issues associated with the current global fashion industry. What do you consider the most pressing ethical problem right now? Why? What do you believe to be the most effective and reasonable solution to that ethical problem?

No responses to classmates are required this week.

All posts are expected to be 100 words each.

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Law Task UK

I’m working on a law report and need support to help me learn.

Hope you are well. Please find the attached Assessment Question file “Exam Assessment 27.04.21” on the subject matter Swordfish Limited. Please kindly note this question has to be answered in the Template of Letter of Advice and Record Card sent earlier.

sample mocks with their solutions for better understanding the format
and pattern has already been sent in my previous email.

1. The maximum word count for PLR Record Card is 1,400 words, including headings.

2. The Letter of Advice must be
no more than 1,000 words and a minimum of 600 words (counted using the
Microsoft Word Count function or other appropriate word count function, starting from ‘Dear’ and ending at ‘sincerely’).

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Sort multi-digit integers (with n total digits) in O(n) time.


You are given an array of non-negative integers, where different integers may have different numbers

of digits, but the total number of digits over all the integers in the array is n. Show how to sort the

array in O(n) time1.

1 The algorithm you are expected to implement, strictly speaking, runs in O(b · n) time, where b is the base for counting

sort. However, since we set b = 128, b is a constant and the runtime is therefore O(n).

To implement this problem, we represent a single integer as array of bytes. Each byte represents a digit

(base 128). The byte with index 0 in the array represents the least significant byte. That is, if A has

length 3, A[0] = 6, A[1] = 7, and A[2] = 8, then A represents the number 6·1280+7·1281+8·1282.


You are given a file The file contains a class Lab3

with a function problem. Implement your solutions in this function. Do not make any changes

outside of that function (e. g. by adding helper functions); such changes will be undone. Do

not output anything to the terminal.

The program already implemented in the file randomly generates test cases. The seed of

the random number generator is set to ensure the same test cases whenever to program is executed.

Note that the purpose of the tests is for you to avoid major mistakes. Passing all given tests does

not imply that your algorithm is correct, especially that is has the expected runtime.

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Creative Writing Question

Concert Report Instructions:

Please review nine (9) songs.

(Song #3 contains four (4) songs within the Medley)

  1. List the composer(s) for each song: (information is in the credits at the end of each selection.)
  2. List The performers (instrumentation/personnel) on each song.
  3. List your personal impression of each song: What does it bring to mind? Discuss rhythm and historical importance for black people.

Answer the questions below, associated with each selection.**

1. What is a Negro Spiritual? (“Steal Away”)

  1. What is a Gospel Hymn? (“What A Friend We Have In Jesus”)
  2. What is Traditional Gospel? (“Gospel Medley”)
  3. What is Urban Gospel Music? (“Jesus Will”)
  4. What is Regla de Ocha (Also called Santeria: A synchronistic practice: African/Catholic)? (“Elegua” “Obatala” “Yemaya”)
  • Who is the Catholic Saint and what are the colors and characteristics of Elegua (Saint, Color, Number. Characteristics?)

6. Obatala (Saint, Color, Number, Characteristics?)

7. Yemaya (Saint, Color, Number, Characteristics?)

  • Who is Chucho Valdez?

8. What are Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concerts? (“Heaven”)

  • What is a Bolero? (The style of this arrangement)

9.What is Sacred Jazz? (“Love & Mercy, Power & Grace”)

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POLI201-SD5 Introduction to American Govt

Why in Federalist #78 does Hamilton believe that the Court will be the least dangerous branch? Has his prediction come to pass? Why or why not?

Why is the distinction between responsiveness and responsibility important and how does it fit with the basic problems of government/collective action we discussed earlier in the term?

How does the lawmaking process show us the importance of formal authority and informal power? (Hint: who can stop bills from progressing/becoming laws)

Looking at either the executive or legislative branches, how have they organized themselves in an attempt to more easily undertake (collective) action?

Is it easy or hard for the White House and Congress to work together? What factors make it easier? What factors make it more difficult?

Please answer each answer thoroughly as this is very important and would love a good grade on this. Each answer should be a paragraph or two.

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Financial plan report

The assignment is to write a financial plan for a client. It requires understanding and knowledge in financial planning. The case is that I work as a professional financial planner, and make a financial plan for a client. Info in the case and clients is attached.

Use the template below to construct your recommendation report to your clients. Complete all parts that are highlighted with blue color. Make sure you are answering every question and making every recommendation with solid and detailed analysis. Show details of calculations where necessary. You can use tool such as equations, tables, charts to help you explain your calculations. But do NOT just paste any screenshot of any calculation software such as Excel to show your calculation process. You need to show everything formally in the report as it is to be presented to your clients. Remember, this is the goal of financial planning – to issue a financial plan with recommendations to solve the problems your clients are facing. You need to construct your report with professional language and clear/reasonable explanations so that your clients can understand and accept your recommendations/responses.

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WK 1, MIS6230


Breach: Research


  • Conduct research and find a recently (within the last year) publicized security breach. Summarize it in your own words.
  • After analyzing the incident what management and technical missteps have you identified?
  • If you had the power, what would you have done to prevent the breach from occurring?

Feel free to make assumptions when answering the question. Support your assertions by citing credible sources.


    The Interview: I am the best person for the job!

    Imagine you have several years of experience in Information Technology and you are trying to break into the Information Security field. You applied for a position at a technology company that creates products in the health care sector called Wellness Technology, Inc. The position is for an “Information Security Manager”. You had a telephone interview with a hiring manager. The telephone interview went very well and you are onto the next step of the interview process. You have now been asked to create a PowerPoint presentation with audio narration. The PowerPoint presentation will be a pervasive one and will cover several items in an effort to show the technology company that you are the ideal candidate for the position. Your audience is a nontechnical stakeholder of the company and therefore jargon should not be used unless it is defined so that a nontechnical person can fully understand it. Your PowerPoint presentation with audio narration should include at least 8 slides covering the following:

    • Accurately describe the difference between Information Technology and Information Security along with at least one example.
    • Describe at least three key features of Information Security with at least one example for each.
    • Describe at least two technical controls that can be used to defend against outside threats including examples for each.
    • Describe at least two technical controls that can be used to defend against inside threats including examples for each.
    • Describe your plan for continuing your information security education as a way to demonstrate that you will keep up with the ever-changing landscape.
    • Explain why you are the best person for the job.

    Submission Details:

    • Use Microsoft PowerPoint with a professional theme.
    • Presentation should include at least eight slides.
    • Each slide should contain audio narration.
    • Name the presentation BU_MIS6250_W1_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.pptx.
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Proof Reading for the research and Format the file

Follow the directions in the attached file:

  • Do proofreading for all the documents
  • Design all the file with the same thing
  • Check all Headlines and numbering and list make it align with all report the type of numbering
  • Text times roman font 12 or equivalent
  • Use academic standard writing
  • Indent the first line of all paragraphs
  • Justify all paragraphs
  • Create a table of content with a heading that when we click on the title move us to the same paragraph
  • Use white 8 ½ x 11” paper
  • Make 1-inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides
  • The first word in every paragraph should be indented one half inch
  • Indent set-off quotations one inch from the left margin
  • Use any type of font that is easy to read, such as Times New Roman. Make sure that italics look different from the regular typeface.
  • Use 12 point size
  • Double space the entire research paper, even the works cited page
  • Leave one space after periods and other punctuation marks, unless your instructor tells you to leave two spaces
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Financial Law UK 1500 words problem

Financial law distinction exam model answer required for the following question, OSCOLA referencing:

Global Investment Corp (CGIC) is a major investor in international
bonds. It had purchased US $100 million convertible bonds issued some
three years ago by Ayuthya & Sukothai Co (ASC), a multinational
conglomerate incorporated in Taipanbodia and a second investment of €
150 million of fixed rate bonds issued by ASC. CGIC had purchased both
sets of bonds through a dealer in Hong Kong which had in turn purchased
these bonds from a dealer in Singapore.

convertibles had been issued subject to a trust deed while the € bonds
were subject to a Fiscal Agency Agreement both sets of documentation
were subject to English governing law and were in market standard form
and both sets of bonds were listed in London.

months after the purchase by CGIC, the regulatory authorities in London
announced that they were proceeding with an investigation into the ASC
bond issues under UK financial services legislation because the
estimates contained in the Listing Particulars submitted to the London
Stock Exchange with regard to copper deposits on lands which ASC had
leased In Zimbabwe and Botswana were now known to be completely
inaccurate. Both sets of bonds were immediately downgraded to BB from AA
by Cretin & Miscalculus (CM), the international rating agency. In
consequence, the market price of both sets of bonds fell to 60% to 65%
of their face value in daily trading in global bond markets. CGIC had
purchased the US $ bonds at 110% of face value while it had purchased
the € bonds at 95% of face value.

requires your advice on its legal position under the terms of the €
bonds and the US $ convertible bond instrument with regard to the above
developments assuming documentation which is subject to market standard
clauses and conditions for such bond issues and in particular, whether
CGIC may call default on the two sets of ASC bonds; secondly, what
claims it may have due for any financial loss suffered due to the
misstatements in the prospectuses.

has also been in negotiations with a South Korean multinational
Boolgogi and Soba (BS) with a view to setting up a global conglomerate
to be named Kabuki & Kaiseki Co (KKC) by the merger of ASC and BS.
It is proposed that subsequent to the merger all assets and liabilities
of ASC and BS would be transferred to KKC and both ASC and BS will be
liquidated. Advise CGIC on its position under the US $ convertible bonds in view of the proposed merger.

addition, CGIC has become aware that in preparation for the launch of
the $ convertibles ASC may have engaged dealers in Hong Kong and Tokyo
to purchase shares in ASC with a view to increasing the price ASC shares
prior to the launch of the convertible. The ASC share price had risen
significantly in the week prior to the launch of the convertible. CGIC
requires your advice on whether ASC might have been in breach of US or
EU or UK regulatory law due to these purchases of ASC shares as a
prelude to the sale of the $ convertible bonds.

Advise CGIC on its legal position with regard to the above matters.

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ERD need help fast, Parrot Palace Parrot Palace works with TV and movie producers who need birds tha

Parrot Palace
Parrot Palace works with TV and movie producers who need birds that can perform special tricks, such
a.s playing dead, reciting poetry, ladder climbs, and various other tricks. Parrot Palace has about 50 birds
and a list of 20 tricks from which to choose. Each bird can perform one or more tricks, and many tricks
can be performed by more than one bird. When a bird learns a new t rick, the t rainer assigns a skill level.
Some customers insist on using birds that score a 10, which is the highest skill level. As an IT consultant,
you have been asked to suggest 3NF table designs. You are fairly certain that a M:N relationship exists
between birds and tricks.
1. Draw an ERD for the Parrot Palace information system.
2. Indicate cardinality.
3. Identify all fields you plan to include in the birds and tricks tables. For example, in the bird table,
you might want species, size, age, name, and so on. In the tricks table, you might want the trick
name and description. You will need to assign a primary key in each table. Hint: Before you begin,
review some database design samples in this chapter. You might spot a similar situation that
requires an associative entity that you can use as a pattern. In addition, remember that numeric
values work well in primary key fields.
4. Create 3NF table designs.

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