HU Social Media Benefits to Organization Presentation

For this assignment, you will complete the PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoint will inform how social media can help an organization improve in areas such as sales, performance, culture, or positive image. Your audience is the same manager; someone who is familiar with social media but wants to learn more about how they can use it to help their organization reach its goals.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 12–18 slides including:

A title slide.

An agenda slide.

  • Body content slides.
  • Conclusion slide.
  • A sources slide.
  • All slides count toward the required length. Start with your slide deck from the Week 5 assignment. Incorporate feedback you received from the professor and expand the presentation for this assignment.
  • Instructions

Revise your slide deck from Week 5 presentation, taking your professor’s feedback into account.

Revise the title slide.

Revise the agenda slide.

  • Revise the introduction slide.

Develop 10–15 body slides for your presentation that inform a manager how social media can be used to help an organization reach its goals.

  • Overview of issue or opportunity.
  • How a selected social media can be leveraged to resolve an issue or leverage an opportunity to help a company reach its goals.
  • As you develop your presentation, refer to the general design requirements found in Chapter 12 of your BCOM text.
  • Your presentation must be submitted in .PPT or .PPTX format. Other submission formats will be returned ungraded. Incorrectly formatted file submissions may be corrected and resubmitted for late credit.

Focus your work on clarity, writing mechanics, professional language, and appropriate style.

  • Requirements
  • The PowerPoint presentation must adhere to the following requirements:
  • Content:

Revise the first three slides of a presentation that addresses the use of social media in the workplace.

  • Include the title of the presentation, your name, and the presentation date on the title slide.
  • List the key points that outline the structure of your presentation on the agenda slide.

Provide an overview of the presentation purpose and its context to the target audience in the introduction slide.

Cover the purpose and key points of the presentation in 10–15 body slides with illustrations, images, and graphs/charts that reinforce the key points and purpose.

Use Figure 12.1 Process for Planning, Preparing, and Rehearsing Presentation in the BCOM text as a guide for developing your presentation.

Use Figure 12.2 Presentation Planner in the BCOM text to organize the content for your presentation.

  • Use Figure 8.1 Inductive Outline Used in Persuasive Messages Sent in Written, Electronic, or Spoken Form in the BCOM text as a guide while developing the presentation purpose and key points.

Conclude the presentation using a single slide for the closing that contains a one-sentence wrap-up statement reinforcing the purpose of the presentation.

  • Provide the required number of two references; all references are peer-reviewed, academic references that are added to a sources slide after your closing slide using the Strayer Writing Standards.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

  • Slides should cite any relevant outside sources in SWS format requiring in-text citations on slides and a sources slide at the end of the presentation.

Review your work with the rubric/scoring guide before submitting your assignment to check that your work meets all the grading requirements.

  • Remember to run a spelling and grammar check before submitting your assignment. Check with your professor if you have any additional questions. 
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SDSU The Enchanted Garden Essay

My essay is about the Japanese friendships garden at balboa park san Diego


___ creative title
___ hook
___ brief description and proper identification of the cultural artifact (building, sculpture, garden, etc.)
___ clear thesis statement (should not be torn down, or

  • should not be removed, or
  • should be protected and cared for)

___ transitions that guide readers smoothly from point to point


___ at least five body paragraphs
___ clear topic sentences
___ context of passages provided to set the scene for the quoted passages
___ relevant quotations to support the paragraph’s main idea
___ introductions to quoted passages (signal phrase)
___ two to three quoted passages in each body paragraph

___ quoted passages properly documented in MLA format

___ explanations of the quoted passages, relating them back to the topic sentence
___ concluding statement
___ transitions that guide readers smoothly from point to point
___ transitions to guide readers from paragraph to paragraph


___ effective counter argument, or “turn against”
___ detailed/quoted information to illustrate the counter-argument
___ clear transition to lead readers back to the main argument
___ clear “turn back” in support of the main argument presented in the thesis of the essay


___ effective conclusion leaving readers thinking about the importance of your chosen subject in San Diego


  1. MECHANICS: grammar and punctuation do not interfere with the reader’s ability to understand specific points and ideas.
  2. SPELLING: does not distract your reader from your ideas.
  3. WORD CHOICES – demonstrates appropriate college-level diction.


___ proper MLA format in header of page one
___ proper use of quotation marks and parenthetical citations in body paragraphs
___ proper MLA format on the Works Cited page


  • 5-6 pages in MLA format (minimum of 1,500 words). The essay must be a minimum of 7 paragraphs, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. ***The Works Cited page is not counted in the minimum number of pages.
  • Start with an introductory paragraph that begins with a hook and provides relevant background information to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Develop body paragraphs which incorporate quoted and detailed evidence from at least 5 sources while using proper MLA format for all citations.
  • Quoted evidence should be incorporated thoughtfully and thoroughly into the essay by establishing context, introducing the quoted passages, and explaining how the passages support the main ideas of the body paragraphs and the essay as a whole.
  • Include a Works Cited page (all sources used in your essay must be included in the Works Cited page).
  • Provide logical transitions between paragraphs that guide your reader.

please use the sources thatare in the file, from page 137-146, you can chose 5 articles, and use it in the essay

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UCB Motivations for Different Generations Paper

Identify at least one friend or family member from each of the generations discussed in Chapter 7. Visualize these family members working for you as you enter a major project with a budget that allows no extra compensation for the additional work you will expect of them. List the ways you would motivate each family member to put forth their full efforts.

Note: Refer to Figure 7.6 and Table 5.2 in the textbook for an overview of generational differences.

Include the following in your assignment:

GENERATION NAME:___________________

1. Person’s first name:

2. Motivating factor:

3. Reason you chose this motivating factor for this person (elaborate by providing details, background, examples, etc.). Cite textbook page or section numbers.

GENERATION NAME:___________________

1. Person’s first name:

2. Motivating factor:

3. Reason you chose this motivating factor for this person (elaborate by providing details, background, examples, etc.). Cite textbook page or section numbers.

GENERATION NAME:___________________

1. Person’s first name:

2. Motivating factor:

3. Reason you chose this motivating factor for this person (elaborate by providing details, background, examples, etc.). Cite textbook page or section numbers.

GENERATION NAME:___________________

1. Person’s first name:

2. Motivating factor:

3. Reason you chose this motivating factor for this person (elaborate by providing details, background, examples, etc.). Cite textbook page or section numbers.

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DAV Public School Design Thinking Impact Evaluation Discussion

Reading from: Understanding Social Entrepreneurship: The Relentless Pursuit of Mission in an Ever Changing World
Chapter 8 Measuring Social Impact

Guest Speaker Professor David Hughes on his book:
“Who Owns the Wind?: Climate Crisis and the Hope of Renewable EnergyDavid McDermott Hughes – Google Books”

OR: Watch the Video Asynchronously Video will be posted to Camino after event

Using Design Thinking… Climate Change…

Impact metrics GSBI:

Linking Business and Impact GSBI:



Clean Energy in Uganda


Water Poverty


Clean Water


Write 100 words to tell our class your thoughts on this week’s reading and/or media events etc.

Discuss and consider how social problems can be addressed the social science method Design Thinking, social entrepreneurial thinking/approaches, and innovations provided by technologies.

Reference at least one reading, media event, or digital educational material for the week.

Part 2: Write at least 50 words per response to each fellow student for 100 words total.

1. When I was reading about how to measure social impact in Understanding Social Entrepreneurship: The Relentless Pursuit of Mission in an Ever-Changing World, I learned that there are three main ways one can measure social impact: 1) defining your social value proposition (SVP), 2) quantifying your social value, and 3) monetizing the social value of your social indicators (183). As I was reading this section, I realized that measuring social impact, because it relies heavily on numerical data, can help generate powerful evidence of whether or not things are being successful. It can help show that one solution is better than another, and by giving concrete statistics, can help change one’s theories of how things should work.

2. I will submit to you later.

Part 3: Analytic Response to Readings, Media, and Social Entrepreneurship Exemplars for the Week.

500 words minimum including quotes you incorporate from the text.

Required: at least three (3) verbatim quotes from the reading with page numbers (no page numbers required for websites) or paraphrases of the speakers/media events with general time stamp for videos or date for “live events.”

Prompt: What is impact evaluation? How do we measure it? How is feedback from those served/stakeholders vital to ensuring success of the social venture? How does feedback generate powerful evidence with which to change theories of how things should work? Consider the many case studies (Social Entrepreneurs of the Week) that we have seen so far and their social impact goals. Give examples of different kinds of social impact appropriate to serving different clients. How might different kinds of impact be measured in ways that are appropriate to local conditions and that vary depending on the kind of social entrepreneurship? What did you find inspiring about the Social Entrepreneurs of the Week—how did they take information about impact evaluation/assessment and use it to make their social enterprises better OR use a design thinking approach to solve problems?

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BUSN 150 SCU Population and Demographics on Supply in Tanzania Paper

The paper’s focus is population and demographics on supply in Tanzania.

The uploaded file is previous task on demand paper, and the module two is my work with comments by the teacher. You at best read it carefully and then to write the supply paper.

Times New Roman 12 double space

  • Abstract (1/2 page) and Introduction (1 page). Put these on separate pages.
  • Recommendations for closing the gap between demand and supply; increasing SHF welfare; safeguarding the environment (2 pages)
  • Technology Contributions to achieve the recommendations (1 page)
  • Purpose of Abstracts and IntroductionsReflect the goal of Term Project, e.g. While safeguarding the environment, (1) bridge the gap between food demand and supply of your staple crop, and (2) increase welfare of the SHFs

Purpose of the Supply Paper Modules

The center piece of the Supply Paper and the Term Project is reflected in the Recommendations and the Technology Sections. Your modules will provide background and compelling evidence to support your recommended interventions and their location entry points in the Agricultural Value Chain.

  • To increase staple food supplies and the SHF welfare, while safeguarding the environment.
  • To introduce technologies to achieve these recommendations.

Your recommendations and technologies should connect and flow from your Demand Paper modules, e.g. reflect relevant issues and material already discussed in the Demand Paper

You want to convey to the reader that you have mastered your subject matter and can explain it clearly, logically, and succinctly. Your end product is expected to be a professional paper which can be presented to high level funding agencies for their investment considerations.

Suggestions: not inclusive; merely intended to jump-start your thinking of different items/issues that might (or might not) be appropriate to support the feasibility of your recommendations.

Supply Paper Module 2: Financial services; storage systems; and agricultural information systems (2 pages): What exists; what improved systems/technologies could be recommended

Recommendations (2 pages)

Note: These are only suggestions and are not inclusive

  • How to close the gap between demand and supply while safeguarding environment
  • Methods to improve smallholder welfare:
  • Increase SHF’s purchasing power for education, health, food, business start-ups to escape poverty cycle.
  • Increase SHF’s bargaining power to capture downstream profits

Use Information From the Six Global Indexes to inform and defend your recommendations: rank your country’s status in terms of hunger, instability, corruption, economic freedom, prosperity and ease of doing business

(1) (Links to an external site.)Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business (Links to an external site.). Scores on 10 topics. Covers 11 indicator sets and 189 economies.

(2) Index of Economic Freedom (Links to an external site.), an annual guide for 20 years published by The Wall Street Journal and The Heritage Foundation (Washington’s No. 1 “Think Tank”). The Index covers 10 freedoms – from property rights to entrepreneurship – in 186 countries.

(3) The African Prosperity Report (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)ranks 38 countries in terms of prosperity: measures GDP and eight sub-indices – economics, education, governance, heath, safety, security, personal freedom, entrepreneurship, & opportunity.

(4) IFPRI’s Global Hunger Index (Links to an external site.) – hunger by country/region; failures and successes; insights into drivers of hunger. 132 countries

(5) Political Instability (Links to an external site.) Index. (Links to an external site.) 195 countries rated for economic distress and underlying vulnerability to unrest.

(6) Corruption Index

Your Country’s Progress Toward the Three Global Goals Accepted By Developing Countries: How far has your country progressed toward reaching these goals?

  • World Summit for Children Declaration and Goals: 1990-2000
  • United Nations Millennium Development Declaration and Goals: 2001-2015
  • United Nations Declaration and Sustainable Development Goals: 2015-2030

Technology to Support Your Recommendations (1 page)

Note: These are only suggestions and are not inclusive

  • To increase food supplies for SFHs + surplus for sale; increase quantity, quality and diversity of SHF family’s diet
  • To capture profits (value-added) beyond farm gate and move downstream in value chains
  • To connect more effectively and profitably with traders
  • To increase farmer bargaining leverage:

Implementation of your recommendations:

  • How best will you coordinate with your host country? What role and/or type of buy-in has your host country agreed to? Financial assistance? Agreement on the principles/implementation? Officially signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?
  • Which organizations (local; government; international) in your country would make effective “Development Partners” to support and implement your recommendations? Be sure the host country is involved at some level . . . at least supportive of your shared goals and approaches. Depends on their Index ranking.
  • Major international organizations with an agricultural focus include, but are not limited, to the following:
  • Worldwide NGO Directory: (Links to an external site.) Find your country in this directory and see if any entities are already working on activities which would support your recommendations. In not, consider inviting them to join.
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UCF Social Communication Climate Discussion

Thank about Gibbs supportive climate components as you watch Sally Kohn’s Ted Talk on “emotional correctness.” (Links to an external site.)

Think about how Sally Kohn’s notion of “emotional correctness” is similar to communication climate. Which of Gibb’s supportive climate components are at work in her recommendations? Consider this observation by Kohn: “He’s listening—not because of what I said, but how I said it.” How might changing your words and tone affect how others listen to you? You do not need to answer every one of these questions in your response, but do consider them.

Next, on a slightly different topic, please watch Gary Turk’s Poem “Look Up” and think about how social media and your interaction with screens of all types effects the way in which you interact with the world. (Links to an external site.)play overlay

Please choose some aspect of communication climate and relate it to emotional correctness or Gibbs supportive climate components and the way in which we create communication climates both in person and online.

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American Military University Managing Risk for An Insurance Agency Paper

Assignment related to ‘SIT Means SIT’ dog training company, which will be located in the suburbs of Chicago. 

Research a local insurance agent (any major insurance company) and determine the best insurance package for you and your venture, including the costs and deductibles. In a Word document, submit responses to the following:

  • A brief review of your risks
  • The insurance package that is appropriate for your needs, detailing what is covered
  • An alternative insurance package (either more coverage or less coverage), detailing what is covered
  • Analyze both insurance packages and determine which is the best fit for you and the needs of your venture at this time; explain
  • Did you feel the insurance agent you spoke to truly understood your venture and your needs? Why or why not?
  • NOTE: You are NOT required to purchase insurance for this assignment
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Drought in California and the Rest of the West Article Analysis

Read the five articles posted ;

  • “Opinion: There is no drought.” Los Angeles Times, 5/6/21
  • Fountain, “The Western Drought is Bad. Here’s What You Should Know About It.” The New York Times, 6/24/21.
  • Leonard, Karklis, and Levitt, “Reservoirs are drying up as consequences of the Western drought worsen.” The Washington Post, 7/9/21
  • Schaben, “‘Unrecognizable.’ Lake Mead, a lifeline for water in Los Angeles and the West, tips toward crisis.” Los Angeles Times, 7/11/21
  • Wick & Kuo, “Is California ready for brown lawns and shorter showers? Drought requires less water use.” Los Angeles Times, 7/10/21.

As you read, look for facts and inferences and opinions. Note interesting facts and inferences that you might want to use in your essay. Note interesting opinions you might want to support or refute with facts or inferences from the other articles. Look for the paragraph number (in the right margin) and note it, because you will need to cite the source and paragraph number for every piece of information you use from these articles.

Write an essay, following the rules below, in which you complete the following sentence: “California and the rest of the west are suffering from a drought because ….” Then, using your completed sentence as your thesis, complete your essay with an analysis of the facts and reasonable inferences.

The professor is more focus to see if we have followed the instruction ” essay Rule” more than anything els.

Essay rules:

  1. DO NOT perform any additional research. Use nothing you have learned from watching the news, reading newspapers, listening to the radio, social media—NOTHING but those five articles.
  2. For every statement of fact in your essay, you must cite the source. This means that you will have a citation after nearly every sentence. Cite the articles as “Opinion,” “Fountain,” “Leonard,” “Schaben,” and “Wick.” That means if you are citing the sixth paragraph in Leonard’s article, cite it as (Leonard 6).
  3. Write at least 750 words and no more than 1,000 words. Citations are included in your word count.
  4. 12-point font; Double spaced; 1 ½ inch margins top, bottom, right, and left.
  5. Your name needs to be on the first line of the first page, in the upper right corner, flush right against the right-hand margin.
  6. Your essay must be uploaded to the Populi upload location by the date and time indicated on Populi.
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American Military University Factors Contributing to Segment Appeal Paper

Assignment 3 – Segment Attractiveness Factors (CO7)

Consider your social business idea and complete the following:

  • Who is your primary customer? What kinds of questions will you need to answer to know your customer? Make a list.
  • What is your value proposition to your primary customer? What is your social value proposition? These should be succinct.
  • List all of the parties or stakeholders that you will be creating value for. What value will you be providing to each of them?
  • Characterize how you envision your brand for your social enterprise idea. What particular words or images do you have in mind that you would use to convey your brand to your target market?
  • Generate a table (reference Table 3.1 in your text) for Segment Attractiveness Factors of each of your target populations. Which target segment will provide you the most traction early on? Do you agree this target segment is the one you should test your idea on? Explain.
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Rasmussen College Preparing for a Regulatory Visit Health & Medical Discussion

Discussion – Preparing for a Regulatory Visit 


You are the compliance officer at New Community Hospital. Yesterday a patient was left alone in restraints and later found deceased. The family is outraged. As the compliance officer you now have to prepare for visits from governing and regulatory agencies. How will you prepare for this visit? (Submit 1pg Due Date 8/24/2021, 11:59PM) 

Course Project – Writing Compliance Procedures 

Module Content 

As a continuation to examining your policies, review for procedures that may relate to them.

  • In a 4-page paper, describe the procedures for each of the two compliance plans. NOTE: procedures are not the same thing as policies. Policies (Module 03) sets the parameters for decision-making, while procedures explains the “how”. The procedures should be step-by-step instructions, and may include a checklist or process steps to follow.
  • Break each procedure section into 2 pages each.
  • Remember to support your procedures for each of two plans with a total of three research sources (1-2 per procedure), cited at the end in APA format.
  • Write your procedures in a way that all employees will understand at a large medical facility where you are the Compliance Officer.

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