Soc 419 Web Discussion and Assignment #4

Web Discussion and Assignment #4

1 page is Web Discussion with this requirements.

2 page assignment #4 more later send info.

1 page Web Discussion Post

Take Christian Smith’s subcultural identity theory and discuss it in terms of some example from your own life. Think of the sub-cultures in your own life that you belong to. It can be anything — any kind of group or collective identity. Examples include fans of a particular sub-genre of music or fiction or art or sports team, participation in a sorority or fraternity, a religious group, a political group, etc. It doesn’t have to be a group that you belong to explicitly, just other people that you might identify with in some way or another.

Once you have a group in mind, talk about the symbolic things about this group that create a sense of collective identity. Smith talks about evangelical Christianity as creating strong symbolic boundaries through the unique beliefs and practices of their religion. But you could also think of this as much more simple practices. For example, if I wanted to write about being a University of Arizona football fan, I could talk about the practice of wearing clothing that identifies me as part of that group. Or I could talk about going to pep rallys or tailgating events where I can interact socially with other members of that group.

The key to applying the subcultural identity theory to understand culture, is to identify the ways in which different sub-cultures create symbolic boundaries that enable collective identity.

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English college level. Please no plagiarism

My favorite topics are social, politics or personal growth!


For the third essay, you are going to select an issue that you feel strongly about and explain why you feel strongly about the issue. This essay will later on be used in your larger research paper.

The assignment will include an MLA outline (1 page), the essay itself (Max. 2 pages) and a MLA works cited (1 page). The assignment should not exceed four pages.

Evaluation Criteria: (NEED TO TWEAK FOR ESSAY 3)

  • The most important thing is that you fully use you analytical skills in using the appropriate rhetorical structure.
  • I will be looking to see how well you appeal to your audience and how well you stress the logical and emotional aspects of your association with the person/place. Also, I will be looking for the use of opening and concluding strategies.
  • The style will be formal, and I want to see how well you can utilize the standards of American Edited English.
  • I will be looking to see how well you incorporate cause and effect and comparison into your essay.
  • I will focus on the quality of your introduction.
  • I am not looking for grammatical perfection, but the essay must be readable and free of mechanical errors that distract your reader.
  • All these criteria will be considered in light of the Gordon Rule Rubric.
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Unit 6 Assignment marketing

Antecedents of Target Marketing

As stated in Lamb et al. (2014), to segment a market successfully, a marketer must consider certain criteria.


A market segment must be:

  1. substantial (have enough potential customers to be viable),

  2. identifiable and measurable,

  3. composed of members accessible to marketing efforts, and

  4. responsive to particular marketing initiatives to differentiate it from other market segments.

In marketing, segmentation is used to create market segment profiles for the purpose of targeting consumers. Marketers identify a target market as one of the following three different strategies:

  • Undifferentiated targeting,

  • Concentrated targeting, and

  • Multi-segment targeting.

Lamb et al. (2014) explain that an undifferentiated target marketing strategy:

Assumes that all members of a market have similar needs that can be met with a single marketing mix. A concentrated targeting strategy focuses all marketing efforts on a single market segment. Multi-segment targeting is a strategy that uses two or more marketing mixes to target two or more market segments. (pp. 131–135)

To demonstrate your understanding of segmentation, target marketing, and positioning, watch the video case study on Numi Organic Tea and answer the related questions by following the instructions.


Lamb, C. W., Hair, J. F., & McDaniel, C. (2014). MKTG7. Mason, OH: Cengage.



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english use the movie“The Matrix”

Themes Remade


Jane Austen’s Emma became Amy Heckerling’s Clueless, The Wizard of Oz was woven into David Lynch’s film Wild At Heart, and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein has been re-invented into Mel Brooks’s musical stage comedy Young Frankenstein. Whether the adaptation seems to directly parallel the original work, or whether it is a ridiculous parody, there is much to be said about how the arguments in texts get remade into new media. Sometimes these media resend the original argument. And sometimes, they take on a whole new message, attract new audiences, and make a new kind of cultural splash.

In your first project, you branched out beyond the texts we’d read and into popular culture in order to examine the rhetorical (re)construction and sustainability of those themes. In this second project, you will build toward the same FWP outcomes, and use your rhetorical skills to construct your own creative rendition of an argument you’ve found in one of our readings. Would any of the texts for this term make a good sitcom? Board game? Motion simulator ride? Fantasy adventure role-playing game? Movie? Ad campaign? Ballet? Music video? Choose one of the readings from this term and 1) adapt it for a new medium, and 2) compose a rhetorical analysis that explains how and why you have adapted it. 


Your Adaptation and its Rhetorical Situation

As you develop your adaptation, keep your vision of the rhetorical situation close by at all times:

•Why have you chosen this text and this argument? 

•What old or new argument would you like to make with your adaptation? 

•Who would watch/listen to/read that adaptation?

•How do you want to be perceived as its creator?

If you don’t have the technical knowledge to realize your big ideas for an adaptation, this limitation shouldn’t stop you from sketching it out. Consider how you might “depict” or describe your adaptation in the best way you know how. 


Your Rhetorical Analysis

As we have discussed, rhetorical awareness lets you “in” on how persuasion happens—how and why it is successful, how and why it fails—and fosters an ability to “read” your world in new ways. Just as important, then, is your ability to be introspective about how and why you have created your own arguments. No matter what discipline you choose to pursue in your professional life, your ability to invent, analyze, and defend the how and why behind your creations will be integral to your ability to communicate and to your success. As you develop the creative piece, consider keeping a journal of how and why you’re making the decisions you’re making. This journal will be key in developing your analysis of this project.


Project Components:

1.Project Proposal: your plan for your adaptation, including 

a.A rationale for why you’ve chosen the original text, and why you want to adapt its argument for a new medium

b.Why your choice of medium will be especially appropriate

c.Who your intended audience is

d.How you want to be perceived as the creator of this adaptation

2.Adaptation: the creative piece itself

a.It can take any of a variety of media forms: film or storyboards for a film, podcast, Web site, written text (short story, poem, satire, non-fiction, screen- or stage play), cartoon or graphic novel, painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, music video, ad campaign, dance, video game, sketches of a clothing or furniture line… even an academic paper.

b.It should have a title

3.Rhetorical Analysis: your examination of the how and why behind your creation

a.750 words

b.It should examine the rhetorical situation of the original literary text, as well as how you have reconstructed the argument of that text in your adaptation. Compare/contrast the original and new rhetorical situations (rhetorician, message, audience) of this argument.

c.It should document all sources (including images) appropriately


Important note: As your creative genius works on your adaptation, remember to save some of your energy for analysis; you will be evaluated on both the creative project and the rhetorical analysis.


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glossary entry

This is a new activity. We are doing a glossary entry this week. Each of you needs to create a glossary entry.

Listen to a Movie B.S. podcast or read one of the written reviews on Eric D. Snider’s webpage. Choose one of the films evaluated. Create a glossary entry that summarizes the review of the film. Use the summary strategies from pages 44 and 45 to help your summarizing strategies (including either a referential or rhetorical summary). Do they use Aristotelian Rhetoric, Rogerian Argument, or the ToulminModel in their reviews ? What grade/score do Eric Snider/Jeff Bayer give the film? What other things do they discuss? Feel free to do a Aristotelian, Rogerian, or Toulmin summary in your glossary. If you’ve seen the film, feel free to add your own evaluation to the review using your own criteria. 

You must choose a film that no one else has chosen. Enter the glossary entry as the film title. It might be best to choose a film you have seen. Try to make your entry around 250 words


do the first one on the site movie called spy

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i need at least 330 words

Pick 1 of the Following Questions:

1. Explain the value of knowing an audience in preparing a presentation. 

2. Explain some actions you can take during a presentation to increase your effectiveness as a speaker. 

3. Explain 2 ways to organize a résumé and describe when each résumé is appropriate. 

4. Explain ways that an applicant can start a job interview with a good impression.


In Modules/Weeks 1, 3, 5, and 7 you will select 1 of the 4 questions provided and submit your answer in a substantive* thread of 250–350 words, citing at least 2 approved sources using correct and current APA formatting. Approved sources include the course textbook (as one of your sources) and a full-text, peer-reviewed article retrieved from Liberty University’s online journal database (as your second source). No general Internet searching is acceptable. Therefore, blogs, education sites, commercial sites, Wikipedia,, editorials, abstracts, online books, or book reviews are not acceptable for this assignment.

*Note: Substantive in this instance means completely answering the question and providing support with your use of authoritative sources.

The last portion of your thread must include a complete reference list properly formatted according to current APA standards. The reference list does not contribute to your word count. You are also required to include the persistent link to this record/permalink within your reference list for any journal articles used. Within EbscoHost, you will find the “Persistent link to this Record/Permalink” on the page of the journal database where you see “Title,” “Authors,” “Source,” “Document Type,” etc. This permalink typically ends in “…ehost-live&scope=site.” For assistance with the persistent link, more instructions are found in Additional Materials in the Syllabus & Assignment Instructions folder.

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Reflection on Diversity

Reflection on Diversity

Choose one of the following topics to discuss. Reflect upon your chosen topic in a one- to two-page essay, double-spaced, in APA format. Make sure to include a title page. Based on the topic you choose, describe what the experience was like, how it made you feel and think, and what you learned from it. Connect your discussion to at least three concepts, examples, and/or quotes from the course readings or lectures.

  1. Explore a time when you felt like “other”—when you were made to feel invisible, excluded, or too visible.
  2. Explore a time when you perceived someone or some group as “other” (when you noticed someone or some group was outside or excluded).
  3. Explore a time when a connection was made between you and an “other.”
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Art Class/ Describe, Examples and Comparison

 We are using an online series this semester – “Art Through Time”.  You can find it online at the Annenberg website –

Watch Program 1 – ( Converging Cultures). The Annenburg foundation has a Video on Demand (VOD) service. It may require you to register and set a username and password for yourself. Don’t worry about registering, they don’t follow up with sales emails or anything else.


Describe what the program is about. Then, describe your reaction or opinion of what you saw in the program. Choose 3 topics from the show to describe in detail and be sure to describe at least 3 artworks shown in the program. The overall length of your post should be around 5 paragraphs .  When you have concluded writing your own reaction to the video.


Give examples of creative people in various walks of life as well as in the visual arts, and list and talk about the traits of creativity that these people demonstrate. Talk about how an artist might fail in accomplishing his/her objectives or in completing planned work due to lacking one or more of the traits. Are there specific ways in which the average person, in the same way as an artists, can work on improving some of the creative traits in their everyday life to accomplish their goals more completely.
Write at least 350 words.


Look at both the Leonardo and the Rembrandt that are connected with this discussion (you will find links below). Consider how each artist handles line differently to create a different impression. Do you see anything that was mentioned in our readings in the drawings? Are the lines delicate, bold, thick, thin, contrasting? Do they suggest personality differences of the artist?

Describe the painting and what is being shown.

Are the shapes rounded, square, jagged, smooth?

Is the lighting, strongly contrasted…light and bright…..deep and dark? Does the lighting create a mood?

What do you notice about the differences of drawing styles?

For Rembrandt

For this discussion board, look at “Beggars Receiving Alms at the Door of a House” by Rembrandt.

If this image is not available, the same image is seen at
Click the image to get a larger view.

Here’s a link to other etchings by Rembrandt.

General biographical information about Rembrandt

For Leonardo da Vinci
Compare it with Leonardo Davinci’s Head of a Girl.

You may also find this at
Here’s a link to other drawings by Leonardo.

For general biographical information about Da Vinci

Then  do a comparison of the line, shapes and light plus the general character of the two drawing styles.






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PSY 340 week 5


Week 5 Group Project Outline



Create a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker notes, that addresses the following:

1.     Illustrate the neuroanatomy of and neural processes related to learning and memory.

  1. Discuss the relationship between learning and memory from a functional perspective.
  2. Address why learning and memory are interdependent.
  3. Use case studies and examples from research articles to help you illustrate this relationship. (We will have two case studies)

Include a minimum of four sources.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

GROUP DEADLINE:  Saturday at 12am


Group Guidelines for Slide Presentation

If everyone could use at least one Peer reviewed source we will cover our requirement.  If you have trouble finding one please reach out to the team for assistance.

Please use a graphic on each slide and put the reference for the image in the citation.

Please remember to put your speaker notes in and your references on the reference page.

Work Distribution:

Brianna: Please do #1                                                                                                                                    3 slides

Kim:  Introduction and Conclusion slides and one of the case studies for # 4 –Related something other than TBI or Disease (Sleep, Stress..)                                                                                                                4 slides

Pamela:  Please do #2 & # 4 – Related to a disease (please include any treatments)                         3 slides

Lizette:  Please do #3 (you may need more slides and that’s fine we have room)                               3 slides

Maisha: Pease do #4-Related to a TBI (please include any treatments available)                                3 slides


Assignment Notes:


·         As you see we will have three Case Studies.  Case studies will illustrate the different ways that learning and memory can be affected, damaged and what treatments are available.  I tried to incorporate the themes from our class assignments to use this as a culmination of the class work we’ve already completed.  With the current number of slides assigned we have a count of 16.  If you need to use an additional slide please let the team know, we do have 4 slides to play with so it shouldn’t be a problem. This is the grading instructions Learning and Memory Presentation Grading Guide, please read and do your work according to the grading parameters.







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critical essay

Someone help me over this. 


ONLY 600 words no more than that. 


Proper MLA format. for the citation USE all authers from each article at least one. so 5 sources one from each article. 


here are the essay look like. I have attached all articles in one file. 


Focus- The objective of the WCT is to write a critical essay with an arguable thesis.  The arguable thesis statement needs to be one that you created. Currently your essay is a summary of the information in the packet, this is the number one reason people fail.  Please do not do this.  You need to create and arguable thesis statement of your own idea and then use the material in the packet to support it.  It just needs to be relatable to the packet. A good example of an arguable thesis statement is “The Theory of Evolution and Creationism should be taught alongside each other in all public high schools.”  This is a statement the not everyone will agree with it.  It is your job as the writer to try to convince the reader this is correct.  It has helped many students to think of it as a persuasive essay instead of a critical essay.

Development-  You need to use the quotes or paraphrases to help support the ideas.  You must use at least one quote or paraphrase from each of the articles in the packet.  This is an examination requirement. Failure to do so can result in being disqualified.

Organization- You need to have a clear beginning, middle, and end that help to support your argument.  This includes topic sentences that help to prove your point.  Below is an example outline that you can use.  You do not have to use this but it has helped many students.

I. Intro
A. attention grabber, something related to the topic you will be discussing
B. a few sentences summarizing what you will be writing about
C. arguable thesis statement

II. 1st reason or because your thesis statement is correct
A. explain this reason more
B. quote, paraphrase or personal experience
C. provide explanation for quotes, etc…
D. concluding ideas or transitions

III. 2nd reason or because your thesis statement is correct
A. explain this reason more
B. quote, paraphrase or personal experience
C. provide explanation for quotes, etc…
D. concluding ideas or transitions

IV. 3rd reason or because your thesis statement is correct
A. explain this reason more
B. quote, paraphrase or personal experience
C. provide explanation for quotes, etc…
D. concluding ideas or transitions

V. Conclusion
A. restate arguable thesis statement
B. a few sentences summarizing what you just wrote
C. lasting impression for the reader

Mechanics-  Please use the links provided below to correct your in-text citations and your  Works Cited page.


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