Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Individual Project 3, law homework help

As an information officer for the Office of the Mayor, you have been assigned the responsibility to write a short report for the city council describing the key provisions of a piece of U.S. law that has ramifications for your city. It outlines what the nation’s current social policy is in a specific policy area and therefore, affects people who live in this jurisdiction. Your report needs to provide the mayor and the city council members with an overview and it should respond to the questions below.

This assignment allows you to choose a piece of legislation from the list below that is of particular interest to you:

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
  • The Equal Opportunity Act
  • The Fair Housing Act
  • Immigration and Nationality Act
  • USA Patriot Act
  • Homeland Security Act
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Assignment Guidelines

  • Select one of the above pieces of legislation.
  • Address the following in 2–4 pages:
    1. What is the name of the law, and when was it enacted? Identify and describe it.
    2. Has this law been amended since its enactment? Explain.
    3. What was the intended purpose of the law when it was enacted?
      • Have those purposes changed because of any amendments and if so, in what ways?
    4. What are the main topics covered in the law? Explain.
    5. What are the key provisions of the law? Explain.
    6. What are your conclusions about what interests are served by this law for the promotion of the welfare of people in U.S. society in general?
      • Include in your conclusion any ideas you have about how this law could impact your city and therefore, how it is relevant to the city council members.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

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Is there a distinction between human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants?, Critique Essay

i prefer to write the title here so it will be hidden .

Title : Is there a
distinction between human trafficking and the smuggling of migrants?

  • It is a critique essay .
  • My Professor guidance : In International Law, a distinction is made between human
    trafficking, involving the ‘exploitation for forced labour, sexual exploitation
    or other forms of exploitation’ and the smuggling of migrants which connotes
    ‘procurement, for financial or material gain, of the illegal entry into a country
    of which that individual is neither a citizen nor permanent resident’. However,
    this distinction is being increasingly challenged in the scholarly literature.

    You should write a short academic essay in response to the
    question: Is there a distinction between human trafficking and the
    smuggling of migrants?
    analysis should be a sustained reflection on the key elements of this scholarly
    debate drawing extensively on the academic literature, evaluating the
    detractions, merits and implications of the respective divergent arguments.

    As well as undertaking your own research, you should read and refer
    to the recommended and suggested reading outlined in the worksheets for
    Workshops One & Two in the module guide.

  • Required
    Reading will be attached for yourself  + other academic books as sources (my
    professor dislike online resources) .
  •   2000
    words only !
  •   Harvard
    style of referencing .
  •  30 list
    of references (including what I have attached ). It must be based on a good
    piece of research , to show the professor that I understood what I have read.
  • I don’t
    want a factual answer explaining what is human trafficking and what’s smuggling
    .the  lecturer repeated many times and
    explained that I should build a strong argument . off course describing a bit ,what
    they are (add one summarized case law for each) ? and the main question is there a distinction
    between them ?? why do I think there is a distinction ??Illustrate different
    arguments between academics among who think there is a distinction and  who don’t? and My opinion should be backed up
    with citations which support my opinion!
  • please follow my instructions . if anything you didnt understand write back to me .
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abstract intro conclusion, writing homework help

i have done summaries on my research paper, but my paper is very light in contents, you will need to get deeper in the concepts.
1) i need you to write more deep in the concepts.
2) i have done phase1 and 2. i want you to combined them into one paper.
3) phase 1 i need to proceed with the recapitulation table, i will provide it to you.
I have done presentation too i want you to add info to it.

1 has intro abstract conclusion and phase 2 also has intro abstract
conclusion i want you to combined them into one has intro abstract

phase 2 i need you to read the article and add one page more deep on the concepts

then fill this attached templet

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Paleoanthropologist use various measurements to distinguish Homo erectus

  1. Paleoanthropologist use various measurements to distinguish Homo erectus from earlier hominins, including increased brain capacity and what changes in the ratio of arm to leg length?

5 points  


  1. According to the Code of Manu, a woman’s dharma, regardless of jati, always included

  1. Pharaohs claimed to be descended from what god?


  1. Which of the following regions was the last to present evidence of hominin migration?


  1. Vajjian differed from Magadha, in that Vajjian did not have

  1. In Enuma Elish, the goddess Tiamat is killed and her dismembere body divided into

  1. Vajjian differed from Magadha, in that Vajjian did not have

  1. In Enuma Elish, the goddess Tiamat is killed and her dismembere body divided into

5 points  


  1. Clovis points are used as evidence to date the presence of humans in what area?


5 points  


  1. Which of the following best describes the changes in weather patterns in the Middle East during the Younger Dryas period?

5 points  


  1. What artifact, discovered at Longshan sites and dating from the mid-third millennium BCE., indicates interaction between Neolithic China and peoples further westward?

5 points  


  1. The “wheel of dharma” was an early representation of

5 points  


  1. Tensions between Rome and the Parthians often broke over because of what region they both wanted as a client state?

5 points  


  1. The Gupta Dynasty began somewhere near

5 points  


  1. One of the key debates about Meroë is whether it acquired the ability to smelt iron from the Middle East or from

5 points  


  1. The kingdom of Menander in Bactria, which controlled some of northern India after the collapse of the Mauryans, spoke what language?

5 points  


  1. Rome had its own patron god in Jupiter but later also adopted the pantheon of gods from

5 points  


  1. Beginning around c. 600 C.E. there was a massive migration of what people into the Great Lakes?

5 points  


  1. For Confucius, the Duke of Zhao was an excellent example of


5 points  


  1. Sparta was able to defeat Athens in 404 B.C.E. in part because the Spartans

5 points  


  1. Alvars and nayanars offered what approach to worshipping Vishnu and Shiva?

5 points  


  1. One of the most ambitious construction projects undertaken by the Sui Dynasty was the completion of the Grand Canal, which linked what two bodies of water in China?

    East China Sea and South China Sea

5 points  


  1. Wealth at Dhar Tichitt and Dhar Oualata, c. 2000 B.C.E. was probably measured in

5 points  


  1. In the practice of sati, a wife shows her loyalty to her husband by committing ritual suicide by

5 points  


  1. The Red Eyebrow revolt against Wang Mang was led by a secretsociety.

5 points  


  1. Under Achaemenid rule, the traditional Mesopotamian urban assembly was empowered to serve in what capacity?

5 points  


  1. In Sparta, the most important occupation of Spartan men was as a


  1. Among the four calendars used by the Maya, the Long Count measured time in what way?

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Purpose Statement, Statement of the Problem or Research Question, writing homework help

The purpose of this paper is to consider the ways in which the Internet has altered our social encounters and behavior, and to investigate the ways internet conveniences have transformed people’s expectations and interactions.

This paper will take a look at a few of the ways that the Internet has significantly altered the way people have evolved socially, as well as some of the pros and cons associated with that evolution.

It is the hope of the author that this paper will provide insight into whether the conveniences offered by the Internet have had more of a positive effect on the personal lives of individuals and their interactions with one another, or if the affect is ultimately creating a more negative personal environment. The paper will also address possible alternatives for the loss of true human interaction.

Please format the outline to resemble the template below:

(The introduction clearly states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper.)

a. Purpose Statement
b. Statement of the Problem or Research Question
c. Significance of the Study


(Details are placed in a logical order and correspond to the structure presented in the introduction.
(Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.)
(Supporting research studies and/or reports are research-based and accurately reported.)

a. Sub points
b. Sub points
c. Sub points 

(The conclusion effectively summarizes the discussion and provides at least two recommendations for further research.)

a. Review of the Problem or Research Question
b.  Summary of Literature Review
c.  Recommendations based on the Literature Review

(All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in APA)

a. Source 1
b. Source 2
c. Source 3

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Topic 1: Reflection, health and medicine homework help

Think back upon your first topic question in Unit 1 and the four assignments you completed in this course. What do you believe about the influences of theory on nursing practice? What value do you place on using a model for practice as an advanced practice registered nurse? How has your philosophy of advanced practice nursing changed over the last nine weeks? Question should be 3-4 paragraphs and have 3 references please.

This is my topic 1 question and answer:

“A philosophy of science is a perspective-a lens, a way one views the world , and in the case of advance practice nurses, the viewpoint the nurse acts from in every encounter with a patient, family or group” (Butts & Rich, 2015, p.3). It is the responsibility of nurses to be able to view science from various perspectives, including scientist, providers, patients, family and the society in which they live (Butts & Rich, 2015, p.11).

As a nurse working in a large teaching institution, I have had the opportunity to work with many novice and quite experienced nurses. I observe them and reflect on myself as a somewhat seasoned nurse. There are many nurses that I work with that are from different countries, religious backgrounds and hold different value systems. As a Christian, Ghanaian nurse, at times I have to really evaluate situation without bias and understand what the patient, co-worker or family member needs from me as a nurse. An interesting article I read published on nurseinteruppted.com says it best, “we walk alongside the patient as they continue to interact with and “within” their environment (hospital or home, young body or old body, and spiritual realms) and we enhance their ability to interact with it “better” (Nurseinterupted, 2012).

Two years ago my sister passed away from a rare condition and I was no longer the nurse, I was the concerned family member. It really put things in perspective for me and I realized how vulnerable we all are when we are ill or caring for our sick family members. I observed all the nurses that cared for her and saw first-hand how important empathy and compassion from nursing can improve the patient’s outcome. “As patient advocates, APNs should identify patient preferences in an emphatic and non-paternalistic fashion in order to navigate, coordinate and facilitate multi-disciplinary and patient-centered treatment plans” (Guia-Rayos, 2014). 


Butts, J., and Rich, K. (2015).Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Guia-Rayos, J. (2014, December 10). My Personal Philosophy of Advance Practice Nursing. Retrieved April 23, 2016, from http://nurses.mountsinaihealth.org/blog/my-personal-philosophy-of-advance-practice-nursing/

Personal Nursing Philosophy….Do you have one? (2012, August 23). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from https://nurseinterupted.wordpress.com/2012/08/23/personal-nursing-philosophy-do-you-have-on

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determine the real wage and the distribution of income, economics homework help

Problem 4
(Labor movements) [week 7]
Consider two countries, Home and Foreign.  Both countries produce only one good, output,
with two factors of production, capital and labor.  The supply of capital and the technology to
produce the good are the same in both countries and are fixed.  The marginal product of labor in each country
depends on employment and it has the form:


where L is the
quantity of labor employed in production. 
Initially Home has 11 units of labor employed in the industry, whereas
Foreign has only 3.

Assume that labor is not allowed to move across
countries.  Use the marginal product of
labor curve to determine the real wage and the distribution of income between
workers and capitalists in each country. 
Show it in a graph. [HINT: for the distribution of income, use figure
4A-2, “distribution of income within the cloth sector”, in the text]

Which country has higher real wages?  Explain the intuition behind your answer.

Assume now that countries sign an agreement that allows free
migration of workers across countries. 
Find the effect of this free movement of labor on each country’s
employment and real wages. Show it in a graph. Explain.

d)  Use graphs to compare the
income of workers and capitalists before and after trade in each of the two
countries.  Explain.

Who wins and who loses after opening to trade? Explain the
intuition behind your answer.

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Consider two countries that are freely trading in differentiated products

onsider two countries that are freely trading in differentiated products. Each producer in the industry is subject to increasing returns to scale, derived from fixed costs of production. In particular, the cost function of a firm in the industry is linear with respect to output, with fixed costs of 100 and variable costs of 20 per unit of output. The demand function for each differentiated product is equal to

  Q= s[1/n – 1/2 (p-P)]

where  is size of the market,  is the price charged by the producer and  is the average price in the industry. There is free entry in the industry. Assume that the size of the market is 2,000 in the Home country and 3,000 in the Foreign country.

[HINT (in case you need it): If the demand function is: , then ]

a) Compute the equilibrium price that any producer will charge, as a function of the number of firms in the industry and the size of the market.

b) Write down the average costs faced by any firm, as a function of the number of firms in the industry and the size of the market.

c) Compute the number of firms (in the long run), the price charged for each product, and the quantity produced by each firm in the industry in the free trade equilibrium. Show it in a graph.

d) Assume now that entry in the market is not free: each firm has to pay a license fee 300 to its own government, to be renewed every year, in order to participate in the market. Compute the number of firms (in the long run) in the free trade equilibrium under this new situation.

e) Are consumers better off or worse off under the government licensing regime? EXPLAIN. 

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Identifying Market Segments and Targets, Week 3 Case Marketing Discussion BLSC (C)


  • Chapter 6: Identifying Market Segments and Targets
  • Chapter 7: Crafting the Brand Positioning
  • Chapter 8: Creating Brand Equity and Driving Growth


If you have not already done so, read the BLSC (C) case.


As you read the case, do the following tasks:

  1. Develop a marketing strategy for Safe Appliance to address the potential entry of Walmart to the Appliance Insurance Market.
  2. Using the Brightland population and income statistics provided in Case A, develop a segmentation and target marketing strategy for MM.

In addressing these items you should consider the lessons from Chapters 6-8. We will be using these in future discussions.


All written submissions should conform to the following format:

  • Written explanation limited to one page, single-spaced.
  • Typed, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1-inch margin on all four sides.
  • Page numbers at the bottom of the page.
  • Cover page with student name and class number on each page.
  • No spellings or grammatical errors.
  • Reference material properly cited.
  • No late submissions accepted.


  • You will be graded not on the quantity of your work but the quality.
  • You will be marked down if your work is not relevant
    to the question being discussed. Sometimes it might be appropriate to
    refer back to a statement made earlier, which is fine as long as you are
    not unduly rehashing a point that has already been made.
  • Remember, we have all read the case/article, so
    excessively reciting facts that are given in the case will reflect
    negatively on your grade.
  • Looking at the problem from a strategic point of view will positively reflect on your grade.
  • If you believe a diagram you created will help your discussion, feel free to include it in your post.
  • Although you do not need to respond to every
    question, responding to only one question is not sufficient for earning
    high marks. You must show that you understand the entire problem at hand
    through your well-thought-out answers.
  • Your work should reflect the cumulative knowledge you have gained from previous chapters.

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Consider a world made of two countries, Home and Foreign, both of which are big enough

 Consider a world made of two countries, Home and Foreign, both of which are big enough for their decisions to affect world prices in the apple market. The demand for apples at Home is given by D= 80 – 20p and the supply of apples is given by S=40 + 20p. The demand and supply of apples at Foreign are, respectively D*= 100 – 20P* and S* = 20 + 20P* . 

a)Compute algebraically the equilibrium price of apples, the quantity demanded and supplied in each country and the quantities imported and exported in each country if each country has imposed a specific tariff of .5 on the other country’s apples. Show it in a graph.  Explain.

b)As part of a trade agreement, both countries decide to eliminate any trade restrictions on each other’s market for apples.  Compute algebraically the equilibrium price of apples, the quantity demanded and supplied in each country and the quantities imported and exported in each country under the free trade equilibrium.  Show it in the graph in a). Explain.

c)Indicate the welfare effects on the consumers, producers, and government of each country of the movement towards free trade.  Is Home better off under free trade? How about Foreign?  Show it in the graph in a). Explain.

d)Indicate the welfare effect in the world as a whole of the movement towards free trade. Is the world better off under the tariff or under free trade? Show it in the graph in a). Explain.

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