book and article analysis


Groups of approximately TBD students will be formed by the instructor after the second week of the semester. Each group is required to select two chapters of the textbook, find at two articles about a recent innovation of a public firm, and write a 10-page, double spaced project.

The project should not be based exclusively on the summary of articles but include an explanation on how the articles illustrate concepts from two specific chapters in the textbook as well as main group’s recommendations on how the firm should improve its innovation performance. It is very important to have a good understanding and explanation of all main concepts in the chapters selected to make a strong connection with the different elements of the innovation analyzed.

Although the project requirement is to have two articles, the use of several articles can be helpful in analyzing and elaborating the main elements of the innovation and of the innovation performance of a firm. Firm’s cases, annual reports and websites can be useful information sources but should not be the basis of any project and cannot be used as substitutes of the main article(s).

The articles can be based on any type of public company, international or domestic, small or big, and from any industry. The main articles, as well as any other articles selected have to be from well-known, prestigious publications (example: The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fortune, Bloomberg Business Week, Financial Times, Academy of Management Perspectives, Harvard Business Review, among others). Blogs and unknown websites are unacceptable.

* Endnotes, references, tables, and exhibits do not count toward the 3-page limit

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