- Case Learning Objectives: The written evaluation is to provide a recommendation to Local Lion
Coffee Shops about the key decisions they should make for brand strategy and brand tactics
including:- Understand differentiation and brand positioning to create value for stakeholders
- Understand brand equity and the impact on customer loyalty.
Understand the competition and positioning decisions.
Case Writing Guidelines
Page Length: Written submissions should not exceed 5 pages (exhibits aren’t included in
page count). Writing format should be minimums of 12 pt. type with 1” margins and 1.5
spacing. -
Sources/Citations: No preference on citation format. If referencing class materials use name
of article and page number. See Emerson Library Guide for citation recommendations:
http://guides.library.emerson.edu/citation -
No external research is required for case write-ups. However, you may use 3rd party data
from the timeframe of the case to support your analysis. - Students should keep their analysis to the timeframe the case is taking place.
Class concepts and elements of the marketing plan should be used to support and strengthen
your analysis as exhibits.
Primary Assignment:
You are to write a recommendation to Local Lion Coffee Shop’s management team on the brand
strategy and tactics they should pursue to align their offerings with market needs and position the
brand for growth. Specifically you will identify and make recommendations on the following:
- The main decision(s) Local Lion must make to be successful
- The ideal target audience(s)
- The Ideal positioning and differentiation points for Local Lion
- The ideal brand and service tactics.
The analysis should consider the ability to maintain and deliver Local Lion core brand values.
To make this recommendation you will need to analyze key elements of the marketing and brand
plan currently in place at Local Lion Coffee Shop. Your written recommendation should highlight key
changes to Local Lion’s brand strategy and tactics.
Rubric: This assignment will be graded on a 100-point scale. The assignment will be evaluated
against the following criterion:
1. Executive Summary (5 Points):Clear identification of main case issue, a detailed description
of the current situation, the company’s goal and the proposed course of action(s)
Situation Analysis & Critical Question (17 points): A summary of the situation that Local Lion
faces in making decisions. This section is an environmental scan of the Company,
Competition, Customers, Collaborators, and Climate (referred to as the 5Cs,) and will provide
a summary of the environment within which Local Lion will make decisions regarding its
marketing and communication plans. Hint: The 5Cs is a tool that can be used and referenced
to guide and organize your thinking before writing/presenting your recommendations. This
section should end with the writer’s view as to what is the Critical Question of the case (i.e.
what primary decision must the Local Lion management team make to optimize future
success.) -
Market Segments Target Audience(s) – Strategy (20 points) A summary of the market of
coffee shops and the makeup of the more important market segments will be provided.- A detailed analysis of Local Lion’s current market segments
Includes examples and evidence from the case, class concepts and 3rd party research to
validate segment and target audience recommendations.
Positioning and Differentiation – Strategy (25 points) :
- A detailed analysis of Local Lion’s current positioning and differentiation.
Clear recommendations on changes required to Local Lion’s positioning and
differentiation. -
Includes examples and evidence from the case and class concepts to validate positioning
and differentiation recommendations.
Tactics (7-T’s or Marketing Mix) – (25 Points)
Required analysis of the brand and service tactics. Other tactics are optional and should be
used to enhance and connect your analysis- A detailed analysis of the current brand and service tactics.
- Clear recommendations on changes to the brand and service tactics.
Includes examples and evidence from the case and class concepts and 3rd party research
to validate brand recommendations.
Conclusion (5 Points) : Summarize your recommendations for Local Lion on the best way to
grow the brand, keep business steady and maintain customer loyalty. Include clear
recommendations for the ideal target audience, positioning and differentiation points Local
Lion should implement. The analysis should consider the ability to maintain and deliver Local
Lion core brand values. -
Writing Mechanics (3 Points): Demonstrates clarity, conciseness and correctness; formatting
is appropriate and writing is free of grammar and spelling errors. Assignment follows
guidelines and directions.
Students should include relevant links to class concepts and reading materials in relevant sections of
their case write-up and through use of exhibits and the appendix to validate their understanding and
- Identification of the primary target market(s)
- Identification of target audience need(s)
Makes appropriate and powerful connections between identified issues/ problems and
the strategic concepts studied in the course readings and lectures -
Evidence from class readings and materials and 3rd party research should be used to
support strategy recommendations.
application of course materials to the case. To conduct this analysis, you should use key elements of
the Marketing Plan Handbook framework to develop your analysis and recommendations.