Business 3022


unit 1 discussion 1

300-500 words


After reading Chapters 1 and 2 in our textbook
and watching the FedEx Supply Chain Global Distribution video on their supply
chain operations, prepare a post that accomplishes the following:

Describe the implications of a successful supply chain
management strategy to a business in today’s competitive global economy.Explain how the supply chain can help a company reach its
strategic goals.Explain why many companies choose to contract with third-party
logistics companies.Identify the major components of a successful supply chain.


FedEx. (n.d.). FedEx supply chain global distribution
center [Video]. Retrieved from


300-500 WORDS


After reading Chapter 3 in the textbook and
watching the Starbucks video on their supply chain operations, prepare a post
that includes the following:

Explain the components of transportation
decisions in a supply chain and include in your post a description of the
tradeoff between responsiveness versus efficiency.

Describe the importance of information in the
supply chain and include a description of the challenges of coordination and
information sharing, using Starbucks as an example.

Read the Discussion Participation Scoring
Guide to learn how the instructor will evaluate your discussion participation
in this discussion topic.


Mass Media Versus Social Media

State of Social Media

Media is the plural of medium and is a
broad term that may refer to mass communication forms such as print (including
newspapers and magazines), radio and television broadcasting, advertising,
photography, and cinema.

mass media, social media function
in a dialogic manner (many sources to many receivers) while mass media function
in a monologic manner (one source to many receivers). There are other important
differences as well.

In your initial discussion post, please address each of the
following elements:

Describe at least three additional
factors that distinguish social media from mass media.Locate a credible timeline of social
media and add an active hyperlink to that source in your initial post so others
may click on the link and view your timeline. For guidance, ask your DA
“How to create an active hyperlink” or “YouTube videos on
creating active hyperlinks.”How did this timeline get your
attention?What about this timeline do you find
engaging? If it was not engaging to you, what was missing?Locate a website credibility
checklist and select one for use in this discussion. Add an active hyperlink to
that source in your initial post so others may click on the link and view your
checklist.Does the social media timeline you
used in this discussion meet the criteria for online credibility per your
checklist? Why or why not?Why is credibility a critical aspect
of social media?

Be sure to incorporate course readings and other reliable
resources as supportive evidence in your discussion. For guidance, refer to the
APA Example Sheet linked in Resources or APA Style and Format on Campus.


for Using Social Media

Motivation is an important psychological construct
that attempts to explain behavior. It is also very relevant to our
understanding of the use and popularity of social media.

We can examine motivation for using social media from several

Intentions (good uses versus bad
uses).Consequences (benefits versus risks).Domains (psychological or
psychosocial versus biological).

Behavior can result from a cluster of motivations that occur at
the same time. For example, Joe may make a post on Facebook to embarrass Fred
(bad intention) and see this as personally advantageous (benefit) to him
socially because others may enjoy seeing Fred embarrassed online. Joe may also
get a minor rush of adrenaline (biological) if he experiences his actions as
exciting or thrilling (psychological). In this case, we may say that Joe’s
Facebook post involved multiple motivations.

In this discussion, review research from the Capella library,
the Facebook page for this course, and articles found by using your DA, then
discuss the following:

What are the major motivations for
use of social media?How do motivations for social media
use vary with respect to user age, gender, culture, or country of origin?
Provide some examples.How does an understanding of
motivations for social media use inform the development of social media
platforms and marketing efforts?

Be sure to incorporate course readings and other reliable
resources as supportive evidence in your discussion. For guidance, refer to the
APA Example Sheet linked in Resources or APA Style and Format on Campus.


Over the next two weeks, we will be discussing
prenatal to toddlerhood stages of development. Using Yellowdig, please get
the discussion started. Please create pins of 50–60 words. Use one of
the following recommended conversation starters or pin ideas:

Find a video from one of the classic childhood studies (Piaget,
Harlow’s monkeys, Bandura’s Bobo doll, strange situation test, Sally-Anne task,
visual cliff experiment, little Albert experiment, Wug test, marshmallow test,
et cetera). Include a link to the video.Share what
conclusions you would make as a researcher after watching the video. What led
you to those conclusions? How would you apply this in a real-life
scenario?Include a hashtag
for the study, for example #harlowmonkey, #piaget, #bobodoll.Find a video of an infant or toddler that exhibits typical
behavior expected of that stage of development. Share a link to the video.Share which
development theories would explain the behaviors you see. What characteristics
led you to the theory you identified? How might this information be valuable in
providing guidance to a parent or teacher? Include a hashtag
for the theory, for example #erickson, #piaget.Locate an article on development from prenatal to toddlerhood, either
through the Capella library or online from a reputable source. Share the link and
describe how this article supports what you have learned in class so far. Make
a connection between what you read and your personal experience with children
at that stage of development. How does this information support your intended
work in the field? Include a hashtag
for your article topic or the idea supported.

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