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C228 Western Governors University Community Health and Population Focused Nursing Paper


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Interpretation of Data Analysis

After analysis of the data collected from the Sentinel City, I have identified four crucial

areas of concern. The first area was the environment quality and physical environment through

unmanaged garbage, polluted air, and contaminated water. The unmanaged garbage on the streets

shows the waste disposal issue in the city. The smoke coming out from the industry and burning

car was the evidence for air pollution. By conversation with the District 3 Representative Julia

Benjamin, it disclosed that there had been increasing contamination of water by pesticides and

other contaminants in the Sentinel reservoir which supplies water to the city. The environment

has a direct effect on the healthy life. Poor air quality leads to the severe acute and chronic

illness. Poor water quality can lead to serious gastrointestinal and neurological issues (Healthy

people 2020, 2018). The substantial wastage in open areas can lead to different communicable

diseases via rodents and flies. This evidence shows that the Sentinel City is contributing to the

poor sanitation through inferior environmental quality.

The second problem noted during the visit was the Sexually Transmitted Disease rates

among the people in Sentinel City. The people aged from 15 to 24 diagnosed with Gonorrhea

was 70%, and Chlamydia was 63%. Additionally, the people aged above 25 were diagnosed with

Syphilis 80%, Trichomoniasis 87%, Hepatitis B 92%, and HIV 98%. The analysis of Healthy

people 2020 (2018) suggests that the untreated STDs can lead to serious health consequences

mainly to the teenage girls and young adult women. The untreated STDs may lead to infertility,

mother and fetal health problems, cancer, and further expansion of the diseases like HIV. The

analysts also add that the older women have a higher risk of HIV due to age-related vaginal

changes, lack of knowledge, and misconception about vulnerability towards HIV in older women

(Healthy People 2020, 2018). This data of Sentinel city shows that there is unawareness among

all the age-groups and have unsafe sexual contacts.

The third problem area assessed during the visit was a higher rate of teen pregnancy. The

data provided by the Better Health Clinic exhibits that around 480 girls aged between 15 and 17

become pregnant every year in the Sentinel City. Furthermore, the data reveals that those

pregnant adolescents end up with 300 births and 180 abortions. The teen mothers are not mature

enough to take care of themselves and their babies. Due to the responsibilities of taking care of

their little ones, it’s challenging for them to continue their academic works. According to the

Healthy People 2020 (2018), hardly some extent of pregnant teenagers completes their

education. Only about 50% of adolescent mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22,

comparing to 90% of those teens girls who do not give birth. Same as, only 50% of teen boys

who become father finish high school or get their GED by age 22. This issue raises the problems

like lack of knowledge, poverty and health disparities of their children.

The fourth and final problem was the violence and crime. The gunman holding the

hostage in ABC Daycare was evident for the gang-related crime. According to the data collected

from the city hall, there were around 20 gang-related homicides, 100 cases of gang-related

aggravated assaults, 38 cases of gang-related simple assault and 40 gang-related robberies. The

data further adds the reported crimes of 10 murders, 300 rapes, 580 robberies, and 1210

aggravated assaults. Healthy People 2020, (2018) states that the injuries from any types and

cause can create general negative impacts on individuals, families and communities physically,

mentally, and economically. The violence and crime in Sentinel City raises the significant

concern about the safety and security among the residents.

reference: https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives

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