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  • Calculation and Advanced Features Practice – Travel Data Calculations and Pivot Table

Calculation and Advanced Features Practice – Travel Data Calculations and Pivot Table


  1. Open the Project Data file linked below. Press the Enable Editing button, if necessary.

    Module 05 Project Data

Complete the following instructions (save often):

  • Formulas and Charts: follow the instructions on the sheet
  • Functions: Find the house payment using the PMT function.
  • Goal Seek: Using Goal Seek, how many months will it take to save 5,500?
  • Sort: Sort the data on Topic and within Topic, sort on Sub Topic.
  • Filter: Filter the data on Social Statistics.
  • Pivot Tables: Create a Pivot Table for Artist, Location, and Value. Let Excel decide where these fields will go.

2. To continue our travel project theme, we will first complete our data and then create a Pivot Table to provide us with the travelers that have a balance due greater than or equal to $2000.

Open the Module 5 Data file linked below and follow these steps (click the Enable Editing button, if necessary):

Module 5 Data File

  1. Add your name and your travel destination.
  2. Add first and last names for all travelers.
  3. Create formulas for the Total and Amount Due columns. (The information is given on the sheet).
  4. Create a pivot table for the information. Use the travelers, totals, and amount due fields.
  5. Filter the pivot table to show only those travelers with a balance of 2000 or more. HINT: you should have four (4) travelers after you filter.
  6. Save the Excel document using the naming convention given at the end of this assignment.

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