Career Path Portfolio


Students will design and develop a professional portfolio (combination of a working and showcase portfolio) that will include the following categories:

1: List of five (5) other colleges/universities that offer a graduate program of your interest. Include the graduate program’s academic and admissions requirements, graduate coordinator’s name and other contact information. (Please select graduate students from American or British university, and major in human resource management or public administration or hospitality management)

I interest universities:

2: Evidence of professional associations – You must join or show proof that you are a member in good standing of a professional association. The Sport Management club, “NASSM – student member”, The International Ecotourism Society and the American Culinary Federation are examples of professional associations.

3: Industry related certifications – You must research and find out what additional certifications you will need to be qualified to apply for your dream job. In some cases, no additional certification is needed. However, everyone will need a bachelor’s degree.

4: Research/summary of industry trends – You must conduct research on what the industry trends are for your dream job (My dream job is in the file, please work according to my dream job.). These trends must include areas such as salary/benefits, availability of jobs, location of the jobs, and experience/ education needed. The trends must cover at least a one year period and must be current trends. Submitting trends that were published 3 years ago is not going to assist you. Research must be cited.

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