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Case 6-In Good Company – nursing writers


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Submit your answers to these questions as a file (DOC) attachment below:1 What seems to be the biggest concern for everyone at Waterman Publishing after hearing about being acquired? Is this a legitimate concern?2 How would you feel about Teddy K’s speech and this acquisition if you worked at Waterman Publishing?3 Does it appear that Globecom and Waterman Publishing have similar cultures?Click here to watch clips from “In Good Company”(Links to an external site.)Cast:Dennis Quaid (Links to an external site.)-Dan ForemanTopher Grace (Links to an external site.)-Carter DuryeaClark Gregg (Links to an external site.)-Mark SteckleMalcolm McDowell (Links to an external site.)-Teddy KPlot:Dan Foreman (Dennis Quaid (Links to an external site.)) is a 51-year-old advertising executive and head of sales for Sports America, a major sports magazine. Dan faces a life-changing event when his magazine is bought out by Globecom, an international corporation that promotes the corporate concept of “synergy”. After he is forced to fire several of his longtime colleagues, Dan is demoted and becomes the “wingman” of his new boss, Carter Duryea (Topher Grace (Links to an external site.)), a 26-year-old business school prodigy. While Dan develops clients through handshake deals and relationships, Carter champions the corporate creed of synergy, cross-promoting the magazine with the cell phone division and “Krispity Krunch”, a snack food also owned by Globecom.Following another corporate shakeup, Sports America is sold off, Carter is let go, and Dan returns to his former position as head of sales.Scenes in this clip:Globecom acquires Waterman PublishingDan finds out about his demotionTeddy K gives a speechGlobecom sells Waterman Publishing “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!””Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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