Case Law Assignment
Create a new document, number 1–25, then answer with the letter that corresponds to the correct case (do not retype each “definition,” or the instructions; failure to follow directions will result in a withd).
Match the appropriate case to the following descriptions:
____1. Established the good–faith exception to the exclusionary rule.
____2. Articulated the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine.
____3. Objects falling in plain view of an officer who has a right to be in the position to have that view are subject to seizure and may be introduced in evidence.
____4. Established the requirement of a law enforcement officer to advise a suspect of his/her rights.
____5. First recognized the need for emergency searches.
____6. Made the exclusionary rule applicable to states.
____7. A search incident to arrest is invalid when it goes beyond the person arrested and the area subject to that person’s “immediate control.”
____8. Created the computer errors exception to the exclusionary rule.
____9. Physical evidence obtained from un–Mirandized statements, as long as those statements were not coerced/forced, will be admissible.
____10. Prevented law enforcement agents from using physically coercive interrogation techniques to elicit confessions.
____11. The use of a drug sniffing dog during a routine and lawful traffic stop is permissible and may not even be a search within the meaning of the 4th Amendment.
____12. Established a suspect’s right to have legal counsel present during police interrogation.
____13. The use of a device not in general public use to explore details of a private home is a violation of the 4th Amendment.
____14. Evidence will not be excluded if officers do not follow “knock and announce” requirement.
____15. Created the public safety exception to Miranda.
____16. Set forth the “free to leave test” in determining whether a person has been arrested.
____17. Established the “fleeting targets exception” to the exclusionary rule permitting law enforcement officers to search a motor vehicle when they have probable cause but no warrant.
____18. The Court ruled police officers may not enter a home to conduct a warrantless search if one resident gives permission but the other refuses.
____19. Established the stop–and–frisk exception to the exclusionary rule.
____ 20. Created the “inevitable discovery” exception to Miranda requirements.
____ 21. Established the exclusionary rule in federal cases.
____ 22. The wording of the Miranda rights is not set in stone as long as the warnings are reasonable to convey to a suspect his rights as required.
____23. Established a two–prong test to the effect that informant information could establish probable cause if both criteria were met.
____24. Recognized the need for emergency searches of persons and permitted evidence recovered as a result of that search could be used against the defendant.
____25. Allows a warrantless search of an automobile or other vehicle if based on probable cause that contraband is present.
A. Brown v. Mississippi B. Carroll v. United States C. Georgia v. Randolph D. Ornelas v. U.S. E. New York v. Quarles F. Weeks v. U.S. G. Arizona v. Evans H. Escobedo v. Illinois I. Kyllo v. U.S. J. Nix v. Williams K. Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. U.S. L. Hudson v. Michigan M. Terry v. Ohio |
N. U.S. v. Leon O. Aguilar v. Texas P. Warden v. Hayden Q. Mapp v. Ohio R. Chimel v. California S. U.S. v. Borchardt T. Miranda v. Arizona U. U. S. v. Patane V. Florida v. Powell W. Harris v. U.S. X. U.S. v. Mendenhall Y. Illinois v. Caballes |