Read the short story by Raymond Carver—in Kirszner & Mandell, pp. 473-483, Include evidence from the short story to support your answer.
Choose three different questions to answer.
For example, you can choose one question from the “character” literary questions, one from the “plot” literary questions and one question from the “point of view” literary tool. OR…choose one literary tool and answer all three questions– Format for each paragraph: Include the name of the literary tool and the question above the paragraph with your response.
Keep your response to 8-10 sentences per paragraph. There should only be one (1) quote per paragraph: include only one quote–a 2-3 sentence quote or one block quote (4-6 lines/ sentences). Block quote format: Begin with a signal phrase + present tense verb, end with a colon: Then follow with 4-6 sentences–indent one half inch from the left margin. Do not use double quotation marks. If there is another speaker within this quote, enclose the second with single quotation marks. Follow the M-context-E-A-L format for each paragraph. Put the answer to the question in the topic sentence–then follow with a context sentence that further explains your answer. Then begin the evidence. Cite it, explain how it proves and shows the answer. End with a last sentence that summarizes the answer to the prompt. Handout Important for Writing Your Responses: “Cathedral Introduction.” –this is located in the Cathedral Folder on Canvas.
Cathedral Short Response