- Create a compelling piece of writing arguing for your thesis
- Use academic resources
- Use comparison and analysis
- Use 6 sources, 3 must be academic sources
- Use MLA formatting and include a works cited page
- Your sources should reference the filmmaker’s techniques/collaborators, not general film terminology.
- Watch director’s commentaries for more information.
- Some reviews are fine, but half your citations should be quoting the filmmaker or collaborators. No more than 2 movie reviews.
- Read the Rubric
- Plagiarize
- Create a summary of an entire movie
- Use “I”
- Write a review
- Rely solely on the internet
- Be too general
- Use a film seen in class (La Strada, Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nanook of the North, Stagecoach, Maltese Falcon, Rashomon, Yojimbo, Amelie, Singin’ In the Rain)
- DO NOT CITE the DVD or video as a source!
- Don’t just say “mise-en-scene is used in the film”, focus on a specific elements: costume, lighting, props, etc. and how they’re used.