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CIPD LVL 3 assessment 1500 words


1 Understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be an effective HR or L&D practitioner.

1.1 Explain the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be effective in an identified HR or L&D role.

2 Know how to deliver timely and effective HR services to meet users’ needs.

2.1 Identify the needs of those using HR services within an organisation and explain how conflicting needs are identified and prioritised.

2.2 Identify different methods of communication and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each.

2.3 Describe how to build and maintain effective service delivery.

3 Be able to reflect on own practice and development needs and maintain a plan for personal development.

3.1 Explain the concept and importance of CPD.

3.2 Undertake a self-assessment of capabilities as an HR or L&D practitioner and identify development needs.

3.3 Evaluate options to meet identified development needs.

3.4 Produce a plan to meet personal development objectives.

3.5 Reflect on performance against the plan, identify learning points for the future and revise the plan accordingly.

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