Microsoft Office Outlook Assignment
Complete Outlook Assignment 1
In this assignment you will organize your Outlook. You will need to take screenshots of each required element (listed below). Add these screenshots to a Word or PowerPoint document. Then, upload the document in Moodle. The document should include screenshots of:
- A Customized Inbox
- An Organized Mailbox, done by:
- Adding 3 folders;
- Adding email messages to the appropriate folders
- An Organized Contacts Group
- Creating a “New Contact” for each member of the group;
- Assigning a “Category” for the Group.
- Upload to Moodle
- Database Basics: W3Schools
Review, Select, Update, and Insert Commands
Using the Northwinds Database on Wschools or a resource provided by your instructor find the answers to these queries:
A. Select statement (List, display, show, find)
- List all the records and fields in the Products table
- List just the product name, unit Price, Units in stock
- List all the products that discontinued field is true.
- Display the current product list (hint: query 3 should help)
B. Using the where clause to:
- List all the products that have a unit price less than 22
- List all the products that stock level is greater than 33
- List only the current products that meet both queries 1 and 2 in this section
C. Order By:
- Redo A2 and sort by unit Price
- Redo A2 and sort byproduct descending