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concept of patient safety and what health care organizations can do to improve it.


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Patient safety is a critical component of effective risk management in health care organizations. Poor patient safety practices can cost health care organizations a lot of money and increase hospital stays, costs, and loss of revenue. For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation on effective patient safety that includes the following:Describe the concept of patient safety and what health care organizations can do to improve it. Select 1 primary risk to effective patient safety, and provide an overview of the issue. Discuss how a health care organization can mitigate the risk associated with the issue you selected.The use of the Notes section is required with 100–150 words per section. The use of at least 4 scholarly sources is required. The use of APA style is required.”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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