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  • Create a 15 question exam for the course you are teaching. Submit the exam with an analysis of the questions using the format exemplified on page 60 of your required text. (25%) This page Shows example of test blueprint

Create a 15 question exam for the course you are teaching. Submit the exam with an analysis of the questions using the format exemplified on page 60 of your required text. (25%) This page Shows example of test blueprint


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Create a 15 question exam for the course you are teaching. Submit the exam with an analysis of the questions using the format exemplified on page 60 of your required text. (25%) This page Shows example of test blueprintThe course is Maternal/ ChildBook we are using and use as a reference is:Evaluation and testing in Nursing Education by Oermann and Gaberson 4th edition”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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