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Critique 2 will be based on one of the faculty papers posted on BB (Faculty Lect



Critique 2 will be based on one of the faculty papers posted on BB (Faculty Lectures, under Course Materials), W2.The critiques are an in-depth evaluation of one article/paper. They should be two pages long (no more, no less), typed, in 12pt size font (no smaller, no larger), 1-inch margin, double-spaced, and in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. Do not waste time summarizing the article in detail—the article summary should be no longer than one paragraph. You can opt to critique:* The theoretical soundness of the study (correctness, integrity of the theories used)* The contribution of the article to the theoretical/substantive field and its significance* The methodology of the study* The study’s analysis, or* The interpretation of the study results (nothing else can be critiqued!).Only one of these aspects should be critiqued. Critiques based on the wrong article/paper (e.g., a critique from the wrong course selection) will be nullified. Quotations are not allowed at all and correct citing and referencing are expected.This critique is worth 9% of your grade.****** Failure to submit a correct format on BB (.doc, .docx, or .pdf) will count as “not submitted.” It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the correct version is uploaded. Please, check after submitting. ******Make sure to act on the comments from DRAFT C1 and C1 for C2.

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