Lying Interview Assignment
- Read the notes on Lying (below) Please read the notes before asking your interview questions for the assignment you will turn in.
- You will need to interview 4 people about lying. Please ask and record the answers to each of the following questions. It is due on Sunday, December 5th by 11:59 pm. You have 3 weeks to work on this. You need to ask each of the 4 people you interview all of the questions below. Then, after you have their answers, write a 3-page (minimum) paper detailing your findings. Do not answer the questions in a bullet point style in your paper. Please write it in a typical essay format with an introduction and conclusion. APA or MLA style with a cover page. Make sure you share details on each interviewee’s answers.
Interview Questions
- What was the most recent lie you told?
- Why did you tell it?
- Did the person you lied to find out the truth?
- How would you feel if they did find out the truth?
- Tell the person you are interviewing the 5 major reasons people lie and ask them which one (s) they find themselves doing the most and why?
- Have they ever caught someone lying to them? If so, how did it affect their relationship with that person?
- How does lying affect communication?