Data Analytics Question


See the attachments Need the Excel used and filled out

Use the data provided in the ‘Validated Xs Data’ Excel sheet for the Week 10 Assignment, which provides the validated Xs and information required for the control plan. These are validated Xs (also known as ‘statistically significant’ or ‘critical’ Xs). If you proceed through the course series to the LSS Black Belt, you will have opportunity in your own Black Belt project to identify Xs and determine which are statistically significant. In this instance, the Xs have been validated for you. The validated x data sheet will provide most information you need, and you will brainstorm ideas for the required action/reactions. Do not confuse a control plan with an improvement action plan. Remember, at this stage in the process, the improvement(s) already have been implemented so the goal is to ensure control going forward. Use the previous weeks’ case study assignments to refresh your memory of the process and case study details.

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