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See Chapters 5 and 6 from textbooks attached and the required articles attached, and view the IQ: A history of deceit video. This is link to video.

Present at least two viewpoints debating professional approaches to assessment used in psychology for assigned age group Adults age 61 and older. In addition to the required readings attached, research a minimum of one peer-reviewed article on ability testing research at is pertains to Adults age 61 and older.

  • Briefly compare and discuss at least two theories of intelligence and the most-up-to-date version of two intelligence tests related to those theories.
  • Analyze challenges related to testing individuals Adults age 61 and older. DEBATING ABILITY TESTING
  • and describe any special ethical and sociocultural issues which must be considered.
  • Analyze and provide evidence from research on the validity of the tests you selected that supports or opposed using those specific intelligence tests with your assigned populations.
  • Present the pros and cons of individual versus group intelligence testing.
  • Summarize the implications of labelling and mislabeling individuals in Adults age 61 and older as a result of testing and assessment.
  • attachmentChapter5fromtext.pdf
  • attachmentChapter6fromtext.pdf
  • attachmentRockstuhlT.SeilerS.AngS.VanDyneL.AnnenH.2011.BeyondgeneralintelligenceIQandemotionalintelligenceEQTheRoleofculturalintelligenceCQoncross-borderleadershipeffectivenessinaglobalizedworld.pdf
  • attachmentEkinciB.2014.TheRelationshipamongSternbergstriarchicabilitiesGardnersmultipleintelligencesandacademicachievement.pdf
  • attachmentFletcherJ.M.FrancisD.J.MorrisR.D.LyonG.R.2005.Evidence-basedassessmentoflearningdisabilitiesinchildrenandadolescents..pdf
  • attachmentHampshireA.HighfieldR.R.ParkinB.L.OwenA.M.2012.Fractionatinghumanintelligence.pdf
  • attachment

Required Resources


Gregory, R. J. (2014). Psychological testing: History, principles, and applications (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Chapter 5: Theories and Individual Tests of Intelligence and Achievement

Chapter 6: Group Tests and Controversies in Ability Testing


Ekinci, B. (2014). The Relationship among Sternberg’s triarchic abilities, Gardner’s multiple intelligences, and academic achievement. Social Behavior & Personality, 42(4), 625-633. doi: 10.2224/sbp.2014.42.4.625

The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. The author presents a discussion of the relationships among Sternberg’s triarchic abilities (STA), Gardner’s multiple intelligences, and the academic achievement of children attending primary schools. The article serves as an example of an empirical investigation of theoretical intellectual constructs.

Fletcher, J. M., Francis, D. J., Morris, R. D., & Lyon, G. R. (2005). Evidence-based assessment of learning disabilities in children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 34(3), 506-522. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.

The authors of the article review the reliability and validity of four approaches to the assessment of children and adolescents with learning disabilities.

Hampshire, A., Highfield, R. R., Parkin, B. L., & Owen, A. M. (2012). Fractionating human intelligence. Neuron, 76(6). 1225–1237. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.06.022

The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the ProQuest database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. The authors compare factor models of individual differences in performance with factor models of brain functional organization to demonstrate that different components of intelligence have analogs in distinct brain networks.

Healthwise Staff. (2014). Mental health assessment

 (Links to an external site.)

. Retrieved from

This online article presents information on the purposes of mental health assessments and what examinees and family members may expect during mental health assessment visits.

McDermott, P. A., Watkins, M. W., & Rhoad, A. M. (2014). Whose IQ is it?—Assessor bias variance in high-stakes psychological assessment. Psychological Assessment, 26(1), 207-214. doi: 10.1037/a0034832

The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. Assessor bias occurs when a significant portion of the examinee’s test score actually reflects differences among the examiners who perform the assessment. The authors examine the extent of assessor bias in the administration of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fourth Edition (WISC–IV) and explore the implications of this phenomenon.

Rockstuhl, T., Seiler, S., Ang, S., Van Dyne, L., & Annen, H. (2011). Beyond general intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ): The Role of cultural intelligence (CQ) on cross-border leadership effectiveness in a globalized world. Journal of Social Issues, 67(4). 825-840. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.

This article represents a contemporary, real-world application of intellectual testing. The authors discuss the implication of the research on the relationship among general intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), cultural intelligence (CQ) and cross-border leadership effectiveness.


de Rossier, L. (Producer) & Boutinard-Rouelle, P. (Director). (2011). IQ: A history of deceit

 (Links to an external site.)

[Video file]. Retrieved from

The full version of this video is available through the Films on Demand database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. This program reviews the history of intelligence assessment

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