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Definitions of Advanced Nursing Practice Discussion.


Definitions of Advanced Nursing Practice Discussion.

Definitions of Advanced Nursing Practice Discussion.


Identify the three elements of Hamric’s definition of advanced nursing practice that you think are most important. Why did you pick these three? How does this apply to your future nursing advanced practice role and your understanding of the Consensus Model? Please identify one Purdue Global University resource that you feel will help you be successful in your MSN journey. Why do you feel this will help you?


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Rubric Title:

MSN30 point Discussion Rubric
Criteria 1Level III Max PointsPoints: 6Level II Max PointsPoints: 4.8Level I Max PointsPoints: 3.6Not Present0 Points
Identification(20%) ●     Thorough identification of the importance of the subject matter to the individual, clinical, and professional.●     Supports discussion concepts through personal experience and evidence-based information.●     Submits a minimum of three posts, one initial and two responses to either the course faculty or peers, with thorough reflection and content.●     Reflection of subject to self, clinical, and professional importance with minimal integration of evidence-based information.●     Submits two or more posts with some reflection and content.●     Minimal reflection without reference to personal, clinical, or profession.●     Submits one or more posts that have minimal reflection or content.No Posts
Criteria 2Level III Max PointsPoints: 18Level II Max PointsPoints: 14.4Level I Max PointsPoints: 10.8Not Present0 Points
Reflection/Participation/Knowledge(60%)●     Provides a well-written reflection that is clearly connected to the outcomes and clinical insight.●     Responds to at least two other student postings with a response that advances the discussion.●     Clear critical thinking acknowledges application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.●     Replies move the conversation forward. Makes a reply to a question asked in response to their own posting.●     Builds a focused argument.●     Asks new or related questions.●     Makes an oppositional or congruent statement that is supported by experience or research. ●     Provides a well-written reflection and there is a clear connection to outcomes, but lacks clinical insight.●     Replies partially move the conversation forward. Makes a reply to question asked in response to their own posting.●     Some clear critical thinking acknowledges application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.●     Affirms statements or references to relevant research.●     Asks similar or related questions within the context of the conversation. ●     Provides short reflection and there is a slight connection to outcomes.●     Student does not move the conversation forward within their own post or in their response to peer/faculty.●     Minimal critical thinking that acknowledges application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.●     Does not affirm or oppose statements in conversation.●     Does not pose or ask related question in the context of DB conversation.No Posts
Criteria 3Level III Max PointsPoints: 6Level II  Max PointsPoints: 4.8Level I  Max PointsPoints: 3.6Not Present0 Points
Format/Style/APA/ Citations(20%)●     No grammar, word usage, or punctuation errors. Overall style is consistent with professional work.●     Writing style facilitates communication.●     Provides three references that are relevant to the content and published within the last five years. ●     Fewer than three grammatical errors.●     Provides less than three references that are relevant to the content and published within the last five years.●     Writing style facilitates some communication. ●     More than three grammatical errors.●     Provides less than three references that are relevant to the content and published within the last five years.●     Writing style does not facilitate communication. No Posts
Maximum Total Points3024180
Minimum Total Points25 points minimum19 points minimum1 point minimum0

Updated 9/4/2020

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