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  • Describe the importance of this topic to women’s health and in what ways you might incorporate health promotion and disease prevention where applicable.

Describe the importance of this topic to women’s health and in what ways you might incorporate health promotion and disease prevention where applicable.


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Important: Dear student: here you have the instructions for your project, which is divide in 4 portions, the last one is the total paper submission (10 pages; which not include the presentation and reference pages) YOU MUST COVER EVERY GRADING CRETERIA DESCRIBE BELOW.Due Week # 1Assignment 4: Research Review Paper—Part 1Overview of Research Review PaperPart of your work in this course will be to develop a research review paper. This paper is divided into four assignments to help you learn content and develop writing skills. These assignments occur in Weeks 1, 2, 6, and 8. The first three assignments are individual components that will fit together to form the whole paper. The fourth assignment provides you an opportunity to combine the previous three assignments, incorporating instructor comments and discussion feedback to make a cohesive report. Here is a list of the four assignments:• Part 1: Introduction• Part 2: Literature review• Part 3: Synthesis of literature and proposal• Part 4: Editing as needed and submission of the completed paperThe Research Review Paper—Part 1: IntroductionFor this week’s assignment, you will identify a women’s health topic and why you’re interested in it. (Scanning the required texts’ contents may help you decide what “grabs” you.) While examining the literature for your selected topic, assess in what way, if any, health promotion, disease prevention, or both has been incorporated or addressed.According to the CDC (2015), as a nation, the United States spends 86% of healthcare dollars on treating chronic diseases. The Affordable Care Act has included specific language to address illness prevention, health promotion, and wellness for public health (HHS, n.d).Describe the importance of this topic to women’s health and in what ways you might incorporate health promotion and disease prevention where applicable. One of the many roles of the advanced practice nurse is to educate, empower, and enable patients and their families to improve and take control of their health.Write two questions about the topic you’d like to explore further and explain why. Refer to at least one published journal article related to your topic.Cite any sources you use in APA format on a separate page.Submission Details:”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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