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  • Design an application that determines the total cost of a gym membership

Design an application that determines the total cost of a gym membership


Design an application that determines the total cost of a gym membership at “Bust a Gut Gym” based on membership options as follows:

Title bar shows the name of the gym.
The user will enter a membership beginning date and a membership end date.
Compute the total cost of the gym membership based on a cost of $2.50 per day (use a date function to determine the number of days from the beginning date to end date.
The user can also select one or more types of memberships options using check boxes:
“Spa” has a one-time fee of $300.00 regardless of the time period
“Linens” has a one-time fee of $100.00 regardless of the time period.
Add a button to display the itemized membership bill.
Add another button to show the grand/total cost which includes a surcharge of 10% of the total membership cost.

Use whatever other controls or functions you deem appropriate.

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