(a) Tout for [1] Heat exchanger without cone[2] With cone in the upward direction [3] With cones in downward directions.
(b) Head loss for [1] Heat exchanger without cone[2] With cone in the upward direction [3] With cones in downward directions.
(c) Demonstrate how did you account for the density change in head loss calculation for the three cases.
needs to show, a diagram for the problem you were solving, a flow chart with equation information, program, and output.
Number of cones = 10 and 5 cone each pipe
Pipe length = 1.416 ft
Diameter of pipe (in) = 0.311
Diameter of pipe (out) = 0.0625
Area of pipe (in) = 0.303
Area of pipe (out) = 0.0122
Flow rate (in) = 0.0030
Flow rate (out) = 0.013
look at the pics is help full