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  • Develop a policy that you would implement to minimize ethical concerns related to social activities between colleagues while supporting collegial relationships.

Develop a policy that you would implement to minimize ethical concerns related to social activities between colleagues while supporting collegial relationships.


Assignment 1: Discussion Question: Supervision
By Saturday, January 3, 2015, respond to the discussion prompts below. Submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Use the same Discussion Area to comment on your classmates’ submissions and continue the discussion until Wednesday, January 7, 2015.
Travon is the lead counselor in a small clinic. Elliot has worked there for a few years and reports to Travon. Travon completes Elliot’s yearly evaluation and oversees his work. Although Travon is the supervisor, Elliot is actually three years older. They both enjoy watching hockey and often meet for drinks after work to watch the games. Although the other three counselors get together with Travon and Elliot for lunch sometimes, they are not invited to hang out with them after work:

Describe the responsibilities of a counseling supervisor.

Explain the possible ethical dilemmas.
Explain how the social situation with Travon and Elliot could impact the work environment.
Develop a policy that you would implement to minimize ethical concerns related to social activities between colleagues while supporting collegial relationships.

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Assignment 1: Discussion Question: Supervision


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